Monday, March 31, 2008

one concern that I would like to write down, incase my concern happens to come true, I can tell myself myself I told you.

3 weeks is the prime time in which interests are peaked or they are deteriorating. i'm at week one, plan to chill a couple more times this week.

oh yeah, cause I usually don't know what I want... i dont know if I want a gfunk...but somebody to understand. but mine as well make me a korean couple and just get a girlfriend. i mean it can't hurt, it can only help my korean. i guess you can tell what i'm thinking about...its not bad. but i know a kid who looks at every girl being his girlfriend..thats cool. get it? its just not like THAT.

i produced today! after being at the studio for 8 hrs...i dig.

my cousin friend is pretty cool we live together now, i call him a cousin friend cause hes not really a cousin, but hes becoming my friend, but some how hes linked into my family..hes my younger brother. and hes from new yoorrkk cause he sounds like that.

got the text hollarrr

i should go later

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