Tuesday, January 29, 2008

yo Andrew man,

whats up? we never got on the same bus, guess that didn't turn out. Well we were thinking about going out tomorrow night, wednesday, you found any good spots? were in the old quarter at tam thuong guesthouse room 204.

anyways I think we're heading out after that, probably to halang bay or work our way to the lao boarder, so let me know maybe we can get another brew.

till next time.

fellow travelers, they're cool. made a bud in australia, maybe I'll see him again.

I got a facebook post, but I wont respond quite yet, I mean what am I still doing up?

but thanks that shit I can't stop smiling right now hahahahah :)) and sucka please like you wont make the journal.

Peter Kang

Amar Patel (Ohio State) wrote
at 10:49am
mista peta, dude i had a dream we were tossin our two cents around it was crazy cause it was right after i read that shit in your journal, good stuff good stuff. so whats goin on are you not kickin it in the mountains anymore? definately let me know what your plans are. can you even imagine the reunion thats gonna take place whenever it does happen?! man i want to send you tunes too how do i go about doing that? take it easy, dont think too hard PEACE!

Bailey O'Brien (MCTC) wrote
at 10:30am
that sounds like something i would do. or when we came to pick you up after your gigantic frisbee adventure to... some state that you went to and us coming to pick you up after. miss you man it's been such a long while. are you still in korea? when do you come back if you are? youre missing out on some good shows ill tell you that much but im sure you're having more than the time of your life. hope to hear from you soon.

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