Thursday, July 17, 2008

I'm stuck on this thing. Internet is killing me.

but might as well say something. Like it isn't about me. so I'll just umm break out of this "shell" thats been created. I guess i'm more focused on communicating as well. I can't remember but I realized talking is so important in knowing somebody. but I guess thats a no brainer.

Talk is cheap though, so lets stay tuned to see if I enjoi. I talked to a random guy on the subway next to me...I kept thinking he knew I wasn't american, So I was like where are you from my brother.. and we talked for a few stops and I said thanks and left him.

but its that burning I get, when they expect me to say something, then I've got to drive through processes, okay your going to have to say something eventually so mine as well just do it already..okay counting down 10 9 okay at 7 your doing this. sometimes it works, others time like in shows where i'm like okay get in front of that person, move get a better spot 10 9876654321 and i'm still stuck. probably cause i'm just to content. not to mention it sucks but I care about others feelings to much. not like that but like am I being noisy, inappropriate, a nusance. hmm so these are some things we've got to take care of.

I met a person, she used to be quiet, but now she actually talks a lot... I was like howd that happen? she didn't know. I guess thats not everything. I should probably go meet hannah. later

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