Thursday, November 22, 2007

kangbanger24: hey
HOLLAMAX106: hey
HOLLAMAX106: today was thanksgiving
kangbanger24: happy thanksgiving, i didn't call home I feel kinda bad
kangbanger24: yeasterday was thanksgiving here
HOLLAMAX106: thanks, happy thanksgiving to you too
HOLLAMAX106: so have you checked out all the music i gave you?
kangbanger24: i'm likeon the fifth disc
HOLLAMAX106: nice, told you u would get a shitload
kangbanger24: theres something good one all of them, i'm happy about this. im listening to shining star right now
kangbanger24: haha yeah forsure
HOLLAMAX106: listen to it all, even if some of the stuff you might not normally listen to, who knows maybe you might like
kangbanger24: yeah forsure, like oysterhead is so good
kangbanger24: and aaron and adam poole, wish there was smore of them
HOLLAMAX106: yeah they are, funny thing is i always knew they were good, but i didn't realize how sick some of those songs were till this summer when i got high after work and drove around listening to it
kangbanger24: haha sweet
kangbanger24: yeah theres a dude that said he can get me a bag, i'm not sure about it though
HOLLAMAX106: how long has it been since you did it last?
kangbanger24: like the night before we left
kangbanger24: and before that before 10k
HOLLAMAX106: yeah, i hear ya
kangbanger24: probably better to not, I wouldn't want it to interfere with interacting with friends and shit, might get a bad rep if people knew
HOLLAMAX106: i went from like august to halloween weekend, and ostlund smokes all the time, so i did in madison and it was alright
HOLLAMAX106: then the next time was like two weeks ago in duluth and i got sick cuz i took a huge zong load when i was drunk, i dunno what i was thinking
HOLLAMAX106: the next day was good though cuz it cured my hangover
HOLLAMAX106: and then the last time since then was yesterday at pats and i took like 1 hit and it was perfect
kangbanger24: oh word, yeah the group of friends i have here would be cool to chill with, and they'd be down. but theres a girl I really like, I couldn't have it intefere tha'd be not worth it to me hhah, thats sucks about the zhong but thats good it saved your hangover yeah i think splifts would be super chill and I could keep my mind and chill and stuff
HOLLAMAX106: word
kangbanger24: word
HOLLAMAX106: is she not down with that?
kangbanger24: nah probably not, shes a pretty good girl, like a christian im saying
HOLLAMAX106: i kinda wanna get back into it cuz i've been getting into some crazy jazz that i can't really understand unless i'm high
kangbanger24: hahah
HOLLAMAX106: cuz i was riding around in travs car and he put in some coltrane and in my head i was just like this shit is tight
kangbanger24: i want to get stoned so I have crazy thoughts when im baked and chillen and when I come down just chill. definately, damn rollin around seems like such a sweet thing to do
kangbanger24: i miss that shit
HOLLAMAX106: yeah, we weren't even rolling around, we were just going some where, i miss rolling around too
HOLLAMAX106: its probably gonna come back this winter
HOLLAMAX106: its always a winter thing cuz it's usually too cold to do anything else
HOLLAMAX106: like old days in brady's acclaim
HOLLAMAX106: when we got stuck behind lunds hahahahaha
kangbanger24: hahah fer sure
kangbanger24: i remember that vividly
HOLLAMAX106: lol
HOLLAMAX106: that was so much fun when we weren't getting stuck and just hitting the giant snow bumps
kangbanger24: hahah yeah true that
kangbanger24: we were pretty young too, that was a good time
kangbanger24: ohhh darkstar nicee
HOLLAMAX106: yeah from fillmore west 69?
kangbanger24: yeah for sure
HOLLAMAX106: that shit is like a favorite of mine
kangbanger24: yeah mine too
HOLLAMAX106: me and you had a jam once that reminded me of that version
kangbanger24: i know, we'll have it again someday
HOLLAMAX106: it was in your room at our old place when we got backed, i was doing finger picking on your acoustic and you were doing some crazy sliding on your les paul
kangbanger24: i remember, it was to one of your firsties songs, those songs bring back so much feeling its impossible to play a bad note, its all passion so each finger goes exactly where its supposed to those times are amazing
HOLLAMAX106: oh yeah i remember that
HOLLAMAX106: i went into my C chord finger picking first song i ever wrote song
kangbanger24: yeah thats the one
kangbanger24: i love that one
kangbanger24: damn i miss those times, but we'll have them again
HOLLAMAX106: yeah fersher
HOLLAMAX106: i need a new guitar so bad
kangbanger24: for sure
kangbanger24: and a big amp
kangbanger24: haha
HOLLAMAX106: my electric has such an uncomfortable neck
kangbanger24: actually a blues junior would suite well
kangbanger24: really?
HOLLAMAX106: yeah
kangbanger24: i never knew you felt that way
HOLLAMAX106: having a comfortable neck is prime if you wanna play well
kangbanger24: most definately, hows my guitar been?
HOLLAMAX106: it so much more tough to do some things with my neck
HOLLAMAX106: yours is pretty good
kangbanger24: strats have like multiple necks, you'll find a good one
HOLLAMAX106: i liked spigg's the most
kangbanger24: ohhh on his tele?
HOLLAMAX106: yeah
HOLLAMAX106: they do it on strats too
kangbanger24: that is nice
HOLLAMAX106: they kind of curve the top fretboard part and its way easy to do slides
HOLLAMAX106: not slides
HOLLAMAX106: i mean bends
kangbanger24: mine has like a good curve, it fits my hand pretty well. it seems skinny too thats nice with spi'gs
HOLLAMAX106: yeah yours is good cuz your strings are made a little closer to the neck and it is a bit easier to play quicker then on other guitars
kangbanger24: word i miss my guitar too and jamming. but it was good to get this package, I really like the drawings
HOLLAMAX106: yeah, i told jess to draw some trees and trippy looking stuff
HOLLAMAX106: her tree is so tight
kangbanger24: haha i really like the girl she drew. but the tree is quite excellent
HOLLAMAX106: i realized that it kinda looks like a tree both ways ifyou turn it upside down
kangbanger24: and then the raindrops look like falling leaves. awesome
HOLLAMAX106: did you like my mini book?
kangbanger24: haha with the henp and the drawings, and the tripping story on the inside?
HOLLAMAX106: yeah
HOLLAMAX106: that story was fiction
kangbanger24: yeah dude, I like the whole package and the drawing is quite excellent
HOLLAMAX106: i mean non fiction
kangbanger24: yeah I know
HOLLAMAX106: lol
kangbanger24: i can't believe you chill with travs parents trippin thats crazy
HOLLAMAX106: dude
HOLLAMAX106: it was insane
HOLLAMAX106: they didn't know
HOLLAMAX106: they might have had an idea
kangbanger24: i know ! thats crazy
HOLLAMAX106: but there was a moment when we peaked
kangbanger24: how would they have an idea
HOLLAMAX106: let me tell you
kangbanger24: my name is choco haha
HOLLAMAX106: lol
kangbanger24: okay go on
HOLLAMAX106: so we get back to travs after discing with brady
kangbanger24: k
HOLLAMAX106: and we are just tripping balls now
kangbanger24: hahz
HOLLAMAX106: trav is like you wanna jam?
HOLLAMAX106: i was like yeah lets give it a try
kangbanger24: do you play my guitar everyt ime?
HOLLAMAX106: yes
kangbanger24: nice
HOLLAMAX106: now our minds are just wandering
kangbanger24: are you playing at this moment?
HOLLAMAX106: we get in the jam room and i start plucking the strings kinda
HOLLAMAX106: trav hits the drums a couple times
HOLLAMAX106: i'm distracted by his posters
HOLLAMAX106: and my hands were too sweaty too jam and i had to take a piss
kangbanger24: cause shits moving right
HOLLAMAX106: exactly
kangbanger24: that sucks
kangbanger24: i mean its good
kangbanger24: but it sucks you had distractios other than playing music
HOLLAMAX106: and we were just giving eachother weird looks like (man this is weird, i dunno if we can do this)
HOLLAMAX106: like confused looks
HOLLAMAX106: so we literally jam for less than 45 seconds
kangbanger24: that sucks, maybe you guys couldve listenend to black star for inspiration next time, or someday, or maybe not trippin but listen to this shit and we'll jam someday
HOLLAMAX106: and stop, i'm like i gotta piss
kangbanger24: bummer
HOLLAMAX106: i go to the bathroom
HOLLAMAX106: i walk out and i notice trav is in his room
kangbanger24: ahhh that sucks
HOLLAMAX106: and i'm like hey, weren't we gonna jam?
HOLLAMAX106: he's sitting at his desk looking at me and is like i think i'm gonna go to bed
HOLLAMAX106: and in my head i'm like nooooooooo
HOLLAMAX106: so i now i know he's not doing well
HOLLAMAX106: even though he hasn't really said it yet
kangbanger24: yeah I got this part and understood the most from the story
HOLLAMAX106: i try to do everything possible to make him feel better
kangbanger24: that shits tough
HOLLAMAX106: i sit on his couch in his room and just listen to music and stare around at things
HOLLAMAX106: all the sudden i look up
HOLLAMAX106: i see trav undressing in like super fast speed and in my head i'm like oh he was hot and sweaty, maybe he's gonna shower
HOLLAMAX106: so he goes in his bathroom
kangbanger24: what time is this at
HOLLAMAX106: i keep listening to music
HOLLAMAX106: around 5 or 6 i think
kangbanger24: ahh
HOLLAMAX106: all the sudden i hear his door open again and he's back in his room
HOLLAMAX106: i look up, i see his back side, he is but naked
kangbanger24: haha
kangbanger24: hahaha fuck
HOLLAMAX106: apparently he ran in cuz he forgot his boxers
HOLLAMAX106: but he also forgot a towel from the bathroom which would explain the nudity
kangbanger24: hahah
HOLLAMAX106: and he runs in closes the bathroom door
HOLLAMAX106: i'm still in his room
kangbanger24: showering?
HOLLAMAX106: all the sudden i hear his parents coming down
HOLLAMAX106: and i'm like oh shit
HOLLAMAX106: they probably heard all the door slamming
HOLLAMAX106: they can't see us like this
kangbanger24: didn't they see you before though?
HOLLAMAX106: not when we were peaking
kangbanger24: ahhh
kangbanger24: scary dude
HOLLAMAX106: his mom saw us just when we first ate the acid
HOLLAMAX106: so she didn't know
kangbanger24: no she wouldn't
HOLLAMAX106: so now his parents are trying to tell him that they are leaving to see a movie
kangbanger24: ahh
HOLLAMAX106: and i'm in his room pacing back and forth trying to figure out something to do to hide the fact that i'm tripping balls in case they come in his room
HOLLAMAX106: thankfully they never did
kangbanger24: ohhnice
HOLLAMAX106: but in my head i was like holy shit, trav and his parents
kangbanger24: hmm strange they didn't say antying to you
kangbanger24: did trav manage to speak?
HOLLAMAX106: i remembered a time when trav told me that he gets scared of his dad when he is high cuz he's like doing a bad thing.
HOLLAMAX106: hold on one sec
kangbanger24: k
HOLLAMAX106: i brought my laptop to the bathroom so i can keep talking to you and shit turkey at the same time
HOLLAMAX106: k back to the story
kangbanger24: fuck that, dont tell me that shit
HOLLAMAX106: hahahhaha
kangbanger24: hahah
kangbanger24: k go on then
HOLLAMAX106: so in my head i'm like, shit he's tripping right now and his dad is talking to him
HOLLAMAX106: so trav doesn't even say words back to them
HOLLAMAX106: they are talking to him through a closed door
HOLLAMAX106: trav responds back with like weird sounds like
HOLLAMAX106: hugh
HOLLAMAX106: eeeoooaaght
kangbanger24: hmm
kangbanger24: what
HOLLAMAX106: like saying huh? and uh huh, and allright without actually pronouncing the words
HOLLAMAX106: so it kinda worked
kangbanger24: i suppose thats good
HOLLAMAX106: and then they leave and on their way they're like cya later max, and i yell back cya
kangbanger24: oh nice
HOLLAMAX106: and later trav explains to me that when they knocked on his bathroom door he happend to be lying in the middle of his bathroom but naked staring around with the lights off
kangbanger24: fuck thats crazy man
HOLLAMAX106: yeah
kangbanger24: i guess they didn't notice the lights were off
HOLLAMAX106: so that was the crazy part of how trav's parents never knew but somehow might
kangbanger24: ahhh
kangbanger24: thats fucking weird
HOLLAMAX106: yeah
kangbanger24: don't show up tripping balls to travi's house anymore
kangbanger24: haha
HOLLAMAX106: i don't know if i ever wanna trip there again lol
kangbanger24: word to that
HOLLAMAX106: just little details from my trip make me not want to
kangbanger24: no and its sketchy, were getting older, it'd be bad to get in trouble for tripping at this point
HOLLAMAX106: like whenever i would piss in his bathroom, i'd wanna wash my hands afterward but i was afraid of touching his soap cuz his bar of soap happened to be in this weird looking soap puddle
HOLLAMAX106: so i would like tap the soap like trying to pet an angry dog
kangbanger24: haha and that freaked you out ahhah
kangbanger24: weird
HOLLAMAX106: yeah, i told trav about it the next day and he noticed the same thing
HOLLAMAX106: when he was tripping
HOLLAMAX106: that his soap looked fucked up
kangbanger24: hmmm interesting
HOLLAMAX106: and there was also a moment when we tried saying like whats up or hey to teddy and it kinda came out neither and she was like weirded out by us and i felt bad
HOLLAMAX106: so we like ran down stairs
kangbanger24: yeah dude, thats kinda messed up. you guys shouldn't trip in ptown as a matter, go hiking in duluth if you do it or something sweet like that
kangbanger24: where you don't know family and friends you could hurt
HOLLAMAX106: right
kangbanger24: word, by saying that I dont think i should buy this bag of pot
HOLLAMAX106: tbags took us on an adventure and we climbed on top of this like boulder i think
kangbanger24: tyt hows he doing?
HOLLAMAX106: and you could see all of duluth for miles and miles
kangbanger24: really? damn im jealous
kangbanger24: that mustve been beautiful
HOLLAMAX106: it was tight, but it was kinda tough to see cuz it was snowing that day
HOLLAMAX106: i think it was like the first or second snow day
HOLLAMAX106: so it was cloudy
kangbanger24: yeah i hear you
HOLLAMAX106: you can see some pictures in brady's album
kangbanger24: oh yeah, with that crazy fort and the tree with the mushrroms growing
HOLLAMAX106: yeah
kangbanger24: word
HOLLAMAX106: all the guys are doing well up there
HOLLAMAX106: i like that town
kangbanger24: me too, thats good to hear
kangbanger24: i missed this fill more album damn its good

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