Wednesday, June 25, 2008

hes hitting the shit

it feels like hes hitting the bottom.

But how is that possible?

He has a home, a family and a building trust in his father.

But the little things are breaking him.

Like where darkness still likes to hide on the most beautiful of days.

Dragging him down. making him forget where he can turn. losing hope.

and hope is all he needs. His influences his out look. hes going to bring the end to his own.

wheres the other side. he hates this side. and with the view of hate it deepens him more.

dealines are coming up. and the little things he could have done he didn't. now hes just doing everything he can not to worry. Turning to friends, turning everywhere else trying not to think.

but its all a waste if these little things drag him down. all his hard work gone to waste. still its the little things. get up peter. thats better, yak says stay up and I'm like yeahhhhhh fo sho.

i'm sitting in my dads g funks daughter room. on the computer. I've got my cellphone with a northkorean empower dangle and a remote switch to unlock the door. Brown hardwood floors that are almost smooth enough to slide over with bare feet. and could be the coating of dirt on the bottom of the feet that allow that. Hes got the same gray shorts on that he bought in 8th grade for his end of the school year party. grinding with ashley cook made me smile. and this writing is just STUPID, as in yak would say, its just stupid...but maybe you don't get it, cause it doesn't mean exactly what is says. hahah stupid ass tenses.

and I should call sam, cause hes leaving soon, but i'm wasting my time not giving it. I probably wont post this, but probably will. this shits hitting the fan. its just stupid.

i could go for a smoke. hahahha your weak.

or a disc to throw, or something to jam with. what am I doing here. art school. oh yeah...

I'll still try my hardest that way I'll have no regrets. So i'm leaving for the art studio soon. I sent emails in regards to my trasncripts. I got down my dads address so I can recieve my transcripts, i'm going to call my mom tonight to see if she can dig up my diploma and max send me bali shag and some zig zags if your better about sending stuff than I am.

i feel sooo yukk ohhhhhh taking a showaaaaaaaaa and talking like thisssssssss shit I do miss you guys.

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