Tuesday, October 18, 2011

i've been hit with appreciation for creation lately. Maybe with the shift of weather, the blue in the sky looks bluer which compliments the rust red of the autumn leaves. I used to try and describe this rich blue, to dark rich blue, to purple, to dark dark dark blue thats near black as van gogh blue. The beauty of the skies lately has stopped me mid step. I really love being able to see the setting sky through the silhouettes of leaves and branches. It looks like my eyes have been turned into a camera and the edges of my frame were vignetted to create a darkened shade. I've been trying to describe how beautiful these moments in awe have been. Thats my band name, but yet I haven't found the perfect description so I am without band name still. It is like Glorious! Awe striking, breath taking, bitter sweet appreciation to nature. meh

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