Tuesday, April 7, 2009
intense scheduling. sort of
I'm trying to schedule out my days, pretty much hour to hour so this is around week two of trying this schedule and I'm working out a lot of kinks. A major kink is the lack of foundation on studying habits for my entire schooling career up until university, in which I only studied for environmental studies and ceramics. But lucky that my concentration is centered sort of around that area. So I woke at 8:00, which is a little latter than planned but its okay. I proceeded to push ups, a granola bar, some quiet time, and then carelessly ran to Spanish class. In Espanol I read out loud, to be told to reread because my t and another letter was over pronounced, and when asked to translate was one for three in managing, and in that made the class laugh through my korean translation. It entertains me as well, I dont take it that seriously, in that manner that I'm not latino and that I'm pretty american. But after class I headed to kyobo book store on bus 273 during my 11-1 space to find an english to spanish dictionary. On the bus I opened the window and let some of the nice warm breeze in, along with the yellow dust that has flown over from the Gobi dessert. :) along to let out some ridiculous farts, I put protein in some milk this morning and I think the mixture went bad. I'm sorry. So when I arrived walking through the underground passage up the walkway and in through the glass doors I walked past; clocks, pens (monte blanc) headphones, cds, different clocks, watches, molskins, for about 40 meters to the primarily english section where I past (took a look) comics, batman is uber expensive, then to a section on architecture and interior design where I spent a while looking at the different books displying beautiful homes (which I'd love to live in) green homes with some ridiculous exteriors, but some very beautiful with rain roofs or grass roofs that slant into a side of a hill or something wonderful like that. Then I fueled my want to learn more about design and architecture and interior design and then saw an indian korean couple where the father was looking at a home maintence book and I was like oh yeah lets get back to the basics instead of these fantasy picture books. So I waited for him to leave and took a look, and it showed nearly everything from tiling, to fixing squeky floors while using black and decker tools... tools man I do love them, must be a guy thing, when I go to the art store I usually pick up some tool I might need to use for some weird project I decided to do because I might use that tool... what a loop of a sentence. So after I looked at the books I grabbed my spanish dictioary (for beginners) and a comic book, persepolis...and proceeded to check out and head back to class, which I carelessly was late for once again. this was mixed media, which I didn't do my homework but managed to come up with an idea while in class which involves cast molding my face. the upperclassmen who said would help me told me he'd leave me with it on my face for the weekend, and cover my nose and mouth...then I told him if he were really chakhae nice he'd leave me a hole in my mouth so I could eat. (we talk about eating a lot and how hes going to make me banchan side dishes but hasnt because we laugh about me not having a rice cooker) anyways after class they told me I have to clean at five so I had some down time and went to go eat at the haksaeng shikdang which is like 2,700 for a giant pile of rice, jjegae soup, and banchan. thats a good enough meal for me. then I went to the wheel throwing room at 5:10 (its a fluke today, before I started school I'd be 10 minutes early for everything) today I was ten minutes late to everything, got to get back on that being early thang. anways I grabbed a mop and started mopping around and started talking to Lee Een Jin's song Joon who is a cat from LA. Cool dude I suppose at least he speaks english. We were wedging clay and talking and I was like they made us come in for 2 hours after school, for like two weeks in sort of a complaining voice. and the two classmates next to us where like well 'you didnt even come' in Korean, and I started laughing and told him I skipped a lot. I mean I know and knew how to do it. Anyways I'm walking in my skill and thats why some of my assignments are last minute and late...I know its not good...but I was talking today and I explained my encouraging concern that well if they're (classmates) are working this hard, they're gonna run past me. Its okay though, my focus is sort of basic so I'll take it well and slowly and get my basics in firm. Thats my issue, running from the basics. So I've declared this year a year of foundation. At least I'm attemping to remain that way. In all things I'm heading back to the basics and molding and shaping into something credible. Anyways after wheel throwing a little bit I headed to Yonsei for the Emmaus meeting which was a blessing. Erin gave a message on friendship and what it means to be a good friend, and to be one in truth, sincerity, and love. To sharpen each other and bring out the best in one another and so forth. I'd like to get into it but oh well... Its what I was asking for and quite wonderful how things turn out. Afterwards we ate mcdonalds, which I say should be a sin, its like momentary satisfaction of the body that has devesatating effects on the arteries...haha. my joke to myself... I then rode my bicycle home, hopped around and tried some wheelies for a bit then locked up and came in to write this. and I gotta hit the shower soon cause crap its bed time. no matter what I'm doing, like mind wandering or trying to study or clean my room I'm to be in bed by midnight. See what I'm saying I got this schedule discipline in shaping. and I'm going to turn on the heater button ....now..... and wrap up by saying... hmm. well Goodnight.
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closet picture

i still haven't learned the art of sticking to a schedule. i generally get stuff done, but in terms of bedtime, waking time, and doing personal things at a certain time of day, i'm no good. kudos to you on at least going to bed at midnight consistently.
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