well I walked around half inbetween boredom and emptiness. plugged into head phones I didn't even exist. it was weird.
i sent three emails, one to my sis to tell mom what I want for my bday...bpuck. i dont know my address. second to my highschool councelor, can you dig up my 1-12 transcripts? and one to the Us embassy in korea asking can I live here? taking some responsibilty at least.
i had my nephew, which we call in korea, who is actually my second cousin move in with me. and his dad. i think there chill. from new york, the kid is kinda funny actually. a bit differen't but prayers were answered so now I'll be there for him. funny I didn't even know he was in korea.
so i was going to go drop in the drawing studio to do extra sesion, but I thought i'd put some time into this expression. i guess i just gotta do.
so i've met some new friends, at the cafe. i saw the camera and came out and started talking to him. its cool. I got hooked up with another friend of his, she might be my girlfriend. and I'll prematurely write this cause its funny to look back on it later. i looked through some old journal entries, its nice sometimes. but I havent written in that thing for so long I gota fill it out and send it to the fruit party which is the apple party hosted by the one and only a to n the gely.
i picked this girl, shes nice, and the times ive seen her shes carried around some cool cameras. shes got good style and used to be a film major. shes got this camera that uses half the shot, its so cool.
anyways hannahs bros in town. he takes a lot of pictures haha its inspiring. i carry my camera everday but have had this roll in for like 2 or more weeks. i'm 2 more to 36 though so I'll be swapping out soon. we're going shooting soon, but hes way hungover, and so is yak. sucks.
cooper comes, i dont even know what this means but i've never heard it more than this. haha should be good, hes super excited hes not gonna lie" jake that i've put into a weird tense ahhah
so I'm turning twenty t minus..what do I want to do for my brithday? i'd like to go to dinner with my mom. wait till its not my brithday and eat cheesecake with max and say its my birthday hahah. go home to an empty house, to find friends showing up with a bag that I hardly even touched but good to get other people good.
i miss being told i'm loved. sigh. hahah pussyyy as krew would say it.
t bags is a girl beater hahahahah
i miss rollin in cars. but cars are stupid, they stay parked.
i've got to stay here till august at least, thats when I've got my hongdae drawing exam, when am i going to visit my friends?
yaks coming here to meet me. i've been trying to do art lately. its been good, but really i haven't made anything. but i've really been trying so I'm getting better. isn't it weird?
i haven't gotten down lately either. i felt some lonliness and rang up jake, its kinda lonely at home. yeah i bet. whatchu gonna do? play guitar listen to music. i'm reading hemminway, oh i've got one of those around the house, oh yeah i totally recommend that one. forsure i havent read lately. ....... aright man stay up. peace. peace.
what are friends for. hollar.
you still hung over? yeah (just this second i asked jake)
five hours till coopers here, the coundown is on" see what do I tell you.
its yaks bestess friend, hes excited and he isn't going to lie, specially cause hes here for a month.carajeee.
marky b hasn't put down his strat in months, that kid is a machine in the things he loves. kids like me, the same but still so differen't. weird. wish I kinda wish we were still best friends.
whats new?
lifes beautiful.
yes it is.
theres like an emptiness. i'm kinda half smirkysmiling. yeah i looked at my journal. all sorts of funny things. probably if i looked at the beginning of this it might interlock with some of my journal entries. weird. but I was given mental images when I read back into the past, didn't make me fall in the past just reflect a little. im trying to move on from everything. somethings are harder to kick than others. i hardly reflect the two months i did backpacking, my mind is ever going. but still I think i think a lot so what is it I think about. hmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
i wonder what tonights going to be like. i'd like to just chill, with friends. thats my emptiness. friends i don't see. that are scattered everywhere. now I appreciate that, so someday i'll be able to chill, with friends, and fill that emptiness. hollar. i mean its not totally empty, but its something longing. whatever i'll leave it.
i've like not met a girl my age, in a long time. i don't think i'll ever have a position to meet someone the same age. hmmm not that it matters. hahah i'd always be like that girls cuteeeee! and seths like you can say that your still in your teens, as the cute girl in uniform walks by. creeppy?? nah i'm like fresh outa highschool too. kinda not really. creepy. for sure. maybe makes you laugh? haha doubt it.
im just writing to kill time till we can leave. not going to get into a story, i should write a story sometime. i told a story the other day to max. so we go sunday night clubbing...crazy huh? but yosebs friend was on leave from the army so we had to take him out. after a while me yak and yo went upstairs on the balcony, we were watching his friend dancing with this girl, we were like make your move! duno if he ever did. but then I spotted this girl in white towards the side of the club, and I was like yak, i'll be back I think i know someone. i got down there and no other than the set that loves to go clubbing. it was pretty exciting. hahah i cannot get a seconds rest when I'm with those girls dancing machines thats fo rsure. so i'm dancing with them its way fun its not the same without them. like a bit later i hardly noticed but a cicle formed around us, and like a hundred people were watching us dance..hahha like what? that was epic. hahahh he smiles as he reflects him memory. what else can he think of next? hahah the bumble bee jingle night was epic, howd we get so drunk?
this pic is the night of bumblee bee jingle but it does not jusity the emotion mess of everbody loving each other. hahahaha WHATS THE BUMBLEEE JINGLE???

slowly the travel blog emerges, unorganized and random. is this how you want it?
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