Tuesday, February 26, 2008
first let me tell you how dumb I am. I mean we cause everything I do involves these two foolios I'm traveling with. first let me set up the scenario, arriving or departing towards HK, hannah"do we need multiple reentry to leave HK back into china"? Pat"I don't think so" Me(probably in headphones not caring) as I write they are taking care of our tickets back to korea...yeah i mess things up usually so leave me out. okay as we left HK 40 hours ago to shanhai, it could be official we were deported from china, back to a part of china known as HK wtf. we arrived, couldn't get past customs, were babysat for 4 hours by railway station guards, served lunch and herded back onto another 20 hour train ride back. getting repetitive much? yeah I don't relaly have my thought together. this wasn't the point but this is an update so to say. I've had tons of day dreams, happy and then frustrated, up and down. I felt stupid cause I was asked about the converstion rate, and before I came up with my answer, hannah answered, pat answered, the random guy that walked past me answered. hey can you leave me alone. I'd like to be able to find solitude in my life, I need hours of alone time a day or i'll get on your nerve and you'll be pushing my buttons. maybe thats why I plug in for hours and change batteries constatly, but these people i've been traveling with have been great, really given space and kind of understand my need. and if I've dug my hole in my brain a little far they'll bring me out of it, and sometimes that hole is no bueno so I'm happy to be conscious again. but what am I doing, sitting on a comp when I should be doing something, like taking a walk and just looking at the talllllness of these buildings. sigh I needed a breath. I guess I'll leave my point to my post to another post cause I should be going... okay wait, I woke with a thought, of how these last two months have literally flashed before my life. It'll be a dream when I return back to korea...thank goodness a few days. it really exposed my life, every day was something fresh and something new to be soaking up in, another change in pace and in vision of the lives around me. with it my mind grew and wanted and understood and was confused. never have I understood more and not understood. I've been more comfortable with myself, but i havent felt like such a kid in a long time. I've wanted to grow and purusue my interests but the pace of my life I didn't have anything that could have pushed me to do those things. I guess all I could do was think about it, think about and hope that I can purusue my ceramics when I return, how i'll be able to develop my pictures, how I'll develop something meaningful with the people I cross paths with and show them they mean something. i'll be making a video for my friends through the next couple of months, with the short amount of footage I took while you guys where here, I have a fun idea. we'll see how it turns up. i've never wanted more but wanted to be simplified more. i want to go to school, I want to earn my way through my life, I want and want and want. man I look to far into the future, to much thinking about what I want to do, I do have dreams though and it was great to hear that pat and hannah wanted to be a part of it to when It happens. gosh wheres max and a guitar when you need him, oh ps i'm sick and tired of acoustic guitars...lammeeeeee and I've been listening to harder music, with some more emotion and feeling, artic monkeys how do I put music on my blog. were on our way whats up? 'where going to get some coffee and go check out a travel agency' whats up? i hate you as i asked pat and hannah the same question peace
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