Saturday, January 26, 2008
the thing about atmospheres shows is that the crowd is crazy, everybody tries to get to the front and theres no respect involved. the show starts and its crowded, barely room enough to move but enough to nod, thats enough at these shows. cause besides the queer people that arent supposed to be there, everybody is is clinging to every word he says. talk about art as an expression, these words hit the kids of people in my town, its like that one show for a save darfur, haley bonar did a cover of nirvanas polly, and it was something unreal, everything was so still and the air itseld seemed to not move, it was just her and her guitar, taking the breath away from everything. music has its moments. I've been listening to the sounds of seoul that kat has made for us, its pretty good, sends me into a wonderful day dream about who knows what, till the battery dies! motha fucka. thats a evil fuckin room as sam l jackson may say in 1408 the freakiest movie i have seen in a long while. and for someone who wants to watch a beautiful movie go rent In the mood for love, its so beautiful. period. I've watched these movies on star, there so bad, but a lot of them have shown the hardships with relations, they always seem to mess up in one way or another, is it possible to react differently in times like that? it works out for them in the end, and I guess thats what putting effort is meant for. anyways I might develop a roll of film, not the first cause I've had bad luck with those, but the second is just full of bankok temples, so how about the third and the FIF!. sure. taking 12 hour buses takes a tole on the body and mind, its such a bitch to sleep sitting likke that, and you hit a bump and your head crashes into the window, bitting your lip once again. ever noticed how you bite your lip once and you keep biting it in the same place? whats with that? I got a spot right now, probably bitten it 4 or 5 times now, its no good. ohhh i've recently started eating the cores of the apples along with the apples, I thought it was weird before, but now its not so bad, bailey no more you waking me up out of bed to come pick up my applecore, cause now it would have been eaten. well yeah that message to max helped a lot. I was really bummin, scared of the unknown. thats what it kind of is and thats what I've always been afraid of, something unknown coming out to hurt. but no thats not me and that isn't whats going to happen. I'm to kind to hurt anybody, but I need to take care of myself so I don't hurt. I think I 'm doing better, imagine that, talking to that one person is all it takes, and now I know I can always depend on him to help a brotha out, thats cool. anyways maybe I'll develop these rolls 3 and 5, and we can see if this camera I bought is actually as good as its made to be...wait aren't the photographs reflective of the person taking them...? fuckkkk ahhaha don't worry your pictures will be good. holla!
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