I awoke this morning smiling cause shes so fine, shes so very very fine (shes so fine)_jimi Hendrix. Post PPR day, its pretty good how things happened and how they didn't. I went out the previous night and had a couple drinks with may. somewhere in this conversation I found meaning and "kept my eye on the prize" word. Doing things because you can doesn't mean you should, like you can strip your clothes and run around naked, but you wouldn't...would you? Its reassuring to hear that I am better than a physical body, that I have a mind and its worth it to get to learn more about it. (get to know me)Brady__ in my picture above knows me like no other, I can't even play poker with him its carajee. But he's been a good friend, even if we have our drunken fucking around with each other moments. it takes patience. If you want to be sweet' take a leaf from my book it comes to naturally...haha you are you conceded bastard, well its true thats why we never have... Writing notes 101, find birch would, make sure you get a clean piece, free of mold and such. Practice whats to be written such as You have cute cheeks.. call me oPeter (be sure to sign the note) short and sweet will be the game. Presents are better wrapped, it takes more effort, especially when you don't have tape and have to improvise to seal the seals. ie: use of honey worked after pressing and drying. Build a little excitement, check your 203 mailbox, lets some curiosity and emotion happen. Be sure to address the something something, you wouldn't want the wrong girl to get the right impression.
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