Tuesday, December 18, 2012

happy birthday isaac

its a period of tension.

a blessing that feels like a curse.  it is a moment of overflowing blessing, so much it feels overbearing.
never have I been more supported and celebrated in who I am and what I do, yet never have I felt more confused about where to walk, how to walk.

in the midst of too much thinking, I've slowed down to taste, to hear, to know what is good.  It began with learning how to drink espresso for what its worth.  To take in the smells of the roast, almost a scent of a bonfire.  i've learned to taste bitter, taste sweet.  to taste an over extraction from a proper one.  how a light, medium, dark roast differentiate from one another.  these small appreciations have been spilling over into other facets of my life.  i'm overcome with so much beautiful artistry that inspires me, but humbles me.

I was filmed for a tv special today.  also my baby brother was born today.  2 months premature, I am praying a lot for him, an emotional roller coaster, dang it Isaac!  you should have just stayed in the womb, but what a story this will tell.  Love you little bro and I havent even met you yet.

1 chronicles 16:8-36

closet picture

closet picture