music is really personal. I had this revealed to me while I was chillin with Shiraz and his bro, and as much as a part it has played in my life, I didn't realize how personal it is. makes sense though.
The one time I questioned my music choice, was the one time I wish I hadn't of said anything at all. I should have rested, knowing, this is a good album. 'dude their battling!' as yoshimae battles the pink robot, pt 2 :)
and female singers, God, it makes me dream. theres something really beautiful about a girl expressing herself, her feelings, her joys, her passions, in a tune of self creativity.
its romance. pat and I would talk of romance. like as in being a romantic, thats the hardest thing to explain to somebody, when it could be wrong in one perspective but its one of the most beautiful moments shared. (i'm not talking of sexual romance either, as beautiful as those times can be) I end up never regretting these beautiful moments shared (in contrast to my previous ()). whether it be sharing pictures and grazing a hand of somebody you enjoy, or sharing pizza on a sunny afternoon over a silent conversation, or a kiss on the cheek before running down the stairs to my bedroom, or a moment of sadness while packing my bags in another contrasting moment of absolute appreciation for the time we had together. no homo.
i guess its a sad point in my life. I love my friends. i give myself to friends over family, its the way I was raised. my verse i've partially lived my last few years on is true religion, which the father considers, to care for orphans and widows in their distress, and the partiality i need to turn to obedience is this, and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
i sometimes wish I had been raised differently. raised a 'good boy' hells yeah deep down i'm innocent, pure, God purposed created for more. i guess i'm just hitting bumps in the road and I dont know exactly what i'm doing all the time.
chuckle chuckle chuckle.
we need to get to the root of things. Thanks susy, the root of things. I'll have to ask you more about that.
what do you do when you know something is bad but you still do it anyways? i dont want to have to burn myself to relate to people anymore. ohh a good burning is reall nice, i know what getting burnt is like, put your finger through a lamp working torch, me and my girls know what its like to get burnt. realll bad. you feel real stupid right when you do it. it hurts you till it heals. and everytime you approach it you'll be sure to make sure you dont get burnt.
ohh I got burnt real bad last time. and I'm burning right now, feel that coal of worldliness. its different this time, because I dont feel guilty. I don't feel to much shame. I think i'm crying to be disciplined here. a good beating, and damn I think its going to hurt. the sad thing is its not me the one hurting. who's got to get hurt for me to learn? kinda messed up huh?
moving on. this trip has really moved my heart for my family though. I caught up with family I didn't even remember and vice versa. it was sooo good meeting, catching up, seeing my family. and I should react more to opportunities with my family more. If I were selfless with my family like I was with my friends, then man I'd love my family like crazy..

thanks megan, i'm on repeat one now, pretty cool that the one to make the cut is my friend's girlfriend a local minnesotan.
honest I wish this song was a cry for me. thats why you singing females make me dream.

'and the warmth of your heart i can see it in ur eyes i can hear it in your voice i can feel it on your hands when they touch mine' you guys aren't listening... :( it isn't the most accessible song i guess...
my head hurts. I think i'm tired. Goodnight for now.