taking me out of hte loop for about a week.
ive done things.
good things.
umm made friends, gotten closer with church friends. I was dunked into a river brought up baptised.
I love australian people and have a huge crush on the ausie girl at church, but I'm trying my best not to do anything because I'm in not position to have a significant other in my life especially when I just dealt with a difficult sexual relationship. and now healed and trusting I had to ignore once again because I'm afraid of what soul ties may have been left.
I'm still a virgin, so I thank God for the covering he has placed in me. I was so close to the point of absolut regret and praise God for he stopped me. In all cases he pushed me through temptation and I have falled short of the glory one soo many times. Lie to the face of my mother who gave birth to me, kissing her when I had the stench of the resin on my lips as she says I can smell it as i walk away rub my lips with my hand and smell like I stuck my nose inside a bowl. Stolen hundreds of dollars maybe thousands from zumiez because it was fun, breaking into cars and stealing stereos. drinking to much wine and seducing a girl with a boy friend. tempting them into tempting myself. sin that turns me into garbage that I drags me down, puts barriers and unhappiness in the life of me. drags the spirit of joy to the depths of hell and makes me cry just for a thought of joy. I confess, repent and renounce as soon as I fall. I cry when I hear the stories of hell. I cry when another is lost. My heart burns for them so I am grateful. I am thankful for each time even when I wasnt with God, as a growing child saying prayers of dear God, please forgive me for the sins I may have commited and for the wrong things I have done. please forgive my mother, my father, and my sisters sins for they are good people. I heard a thing on selfishness recently and it stuck to my mind. what a bitter person he must have been because it turned my thinking into that people were all selfish. but that isn't our human spirit, for God did NOT make us timid, but gave us a spirit of power, of love, and of self discipline. thats my prayer. And to think I'm a person of little faith, but i turned my life into a movie once again, plugged into sigur ros at the ocean beach other during the soft afternoon light, squinting and dreaming as a child into the skies and thinking, someday I'll be able to leave this place and be at peace. thats where I want to be, because theres to much bull shit and crap on this earth to sometimes make worth living just not so great. but its still beautiful as it lasts.
and I didnt want to write because I contridictied myself on all the things I wanted to write about, but I didn't know I was going to write like this, and I didn't contradict myself. this is my heart that burns. these are the things I testify to my readers openly, especially with all the church friends i've been face booking, they have access now. I testify openly because your judgement doesn't matter, you have no right to judge me or give accusations. why am I attacking you now though? i guess its just a matter to say to myself.
I'm taking a photography black room course. I draw at drawing studio, i do drawings for sharks and of pat and hannah. I want to sell my photography and give all my money i earn to the missions fields. these are things i want. but thats according to that there are gifts and talents that are surfacing, and that It can be used to the glory of God. I'm at a pc room because i dont have interenet. i'm going to take my lap top to church tomorrow to try and skype with max. i'm going to tell my dad the things I want to do, and the things I may need financial help with. i'm trying to get a part time job at a wine bar that my teacher worked out for me. I hope scheduling works out. I hope I get accepted to hongdae, i find out in a few days. My mom sister and josh come in a few days. I'm picking them up from the air port. my times up. later
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Sunday, August 17, 2008
instead of writing emails.
i take my test thursday
i'll be going to hongdae in march.
art school. hollar
umm a story. i dont got nothing really. ohh i wrote another song yesterday.
called the martini song
I want to record music. but i havent told my dad yet. i need to earn some money. jakes doing his westcoast adventure in a few months, and I'm like maybe going to be like hey can I come? three a crowd? but its like I gotta go to europe too, man oh man, i make it sound like ohh i gotta but no its like YES! wow max thats going to be one wonderous adventure.
i start dark room courses the 26th. when I'm FREE!
i'm kinda in this art studio from 1:30 to 10. crazy huh? but today I switched my visa, looks like I can stay. eek i should go draw. i kinda like it. I saw pixar. talk about oriniality and like I want to do a bunch of those drawings so I can work with different media, but I gotta start somewhere, I guess it doesn't bother me to much. but my like favorite movie right now is about a girl. i mean good will hunting. yes indeed. its like so inspiring. kinda. whatever.
so its turning to sweatshirt weather. kinda. i'm sorta of steaming up but i've got that sweatshirt pat gave me. is it weird I feel akward to call him so I dont. cause I dont think i have anything to say but still want to talk to him. i called him once and hes like it was good talking to you. that was like a week ago. i havent called him since. i used to call hananh everyday just to see whats up. how come I cant do this the same way? who knows.
my dad came to church with me yesterday. its been like uber amount of years since we've attended service together. it was a pretty teary experience. what got into us? yeah fo sho we got SPIRIT!
hmmm way to be ostlund i had to face book stalk the crap out of neumillers page to see that you are going to thailand. I might be there in oct...shiznitll whos financing my butt? 헐
gosh I should be drawing. i will. i mean its like cramming before the morning test, they say you dont know, but I think cramming is doig a good job. shiznit i should've written jake instead of writing this. for hannahs sake. sa ke
i had japaense for lunch in mokdong at the registartion place. my dad just opened up about like this and that. and I'm like damn dad you got girl problems.
but i'm like shes got to open up? like wtf can we do
okay enough of that. so i've got like adopted sisters now, so they could have american citizenship or something something. so i've got 3 sisters. hey hannah you never answered sally or sam. somebody just said kiwi... why? hahah
oh i should draw. oh well. i want a bicycle.
jake build me one. max what kind of guitar are you taking to italy? i might get a small travel one, I could posibly get you once cause there super small and pretty cheap. cause i mean okay heres something to write about
i was at pixar, and the art is beautiful. but by the 3/4 way through i was burnt out. and it sucks cause the quality of art doesnt change but its my perseption and it just got old. i was in ankor wat, and we were amazed and then we just sat in one of the 1000000000 year old temples throwing rocks and talking. i mean its a good way to soak in a place but wheres the appreciation.
so max like play in the frosty streets smoking cigarettes (JK) its actually been a while and like have our cases out lookin for money. okay sams out i've gotta go. bye
i take my test thursday
i'll be going to hongdae in march.
art school. hollar
umm a story. i dont got nothing really. ohh i wrote another song yesterday.
called the martini song
I want to record music. but i havent told my dad yet. i need to earn some money. jakes doing his westcoast adventure in a few months, and I'm like maybe going to be like hey can I come? three a crowd? but its like I gotta go to europe too, man oh man, i make it sound like ohh i gotta but no its like YES! wow max thats going to be one wonderous adventure.
i start dark room courses the 26th. when I'm FREE!
i'm kinda in this art studio from 1:30 to 10. crazy huh? but today I switched my visa, looks like I can stay. eek i should go draw. i kinda like it. I saw pixar. talk about oriniality and like I want to do a bunch of those drawings so I can work with different media, but I gotta start somewhere, I guess it doesn't bother me to much. but my like favorite movie right now is about a girl. i mean good will hunting. yes indeed. its like so inspiring. kinda. whatever.
so its turning to sweatshirt weather. kinda. i'm sorta of steaming up but i've got that sweatshirt pat gave me. is it weird I feel akward to call him so I dont. cause I dont think i have anything to say but still want to talk to him. i called him once and hes like it was good talking to you. that was like a week ago. i havent called him since. i used to call hananh everyday just to see whats up. how come I cant do this the same way? who knows.
my dad came to church with me yesterday. its been like uber amount of years since we've attended service together. it was a pretty teary experience. what got into us? yeah fo sho we got SPIRIT!
hmmm way to be ostlund i had to face book stalk the crap out of neumillers page to see that you are going to thailand. I might be there in oct...shiznitll whos financing my butt? 헐
gosh I should be drawing. i will. i mean its like cramming before the morning test, they say you dont know, but I think cramming is doig a good job. shiznit i should've written jake instead of writing this. for hannahs sake. sa ke
i had japaense for lunch in mokdong at the registartion place. my dad just opened up about like this and that. and I'm like damn dad you got girl problems.
but i'm like shes got to open up? like wtf can we do
okay enough of that. so i've got like adopted sisters now, so they could have american citizenship or something something. so i've got 3 sisters. hey hannah you never answered sally or sam. somebody just said kiwi... why? hahah
oh i should draw. oh well. i want a bicycle.
jake build me one. max what kind of guitar are you taking to italy? i might get a small travel one, I could posibly get you once cause there super small and pretty cheap. cause i mean okay heres something to write about
i was at pixar, and the art is beautiful. but by the 3/4 way through i was burnt out. and it sucks cause the quality of art doesnt change but its my perseption and it just got old. i was in ankor wat, and we were amazed and then we just sat in one of the 1000000000 year old temples throwing rocks and talking. i mean its a good way to soak in a place but wheres the appreciation.
so max like play in the frosty streets smoking cigarettes (JK) its actually been a while and like have our cases out lookin for money. okay sams out i've gotta go. bye
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
max i'm busy as f till the 21st so i've only got time weekdays around 9pm minnesota or 10. if we meet up hannah you should try and find yourself on to ^^
hmm i've been listening to music, not properly though. like I have to load my little shuffe for the day and I've got to skim through all this new music I have. its no bueno. I can wait to sit, and just kill a morning and after noon listening to band after band album for album. but this skimming thing...
so thinking like waiting on stuff is better. like I look back and wish i've done some things different. but now its like wait instead of all those things you wished for, why dont you just seek for the one thing thats good. i'm thinking about mhmm and mhmm and that one specific med format camera and rangefinder that would be perfect.
so i feel I should be earning things. man this boy is like are you going to live here. maybe. are you going to die here. probably not. are you going to go back to america? i dont know. questions. I used to not talk. i mean like yeah blah hwatever. i used to ask a bunch of questions to fill the air. but after even "talking" call it talking I didn't know anything about the person or they didn't know anything about me. like WHO we were. so theres differences in talking and conversing and asking questions. I met up with a friend and like while we were talking I was weary of this and noticed we didn't ask any questions. and it was dandy. whats it worth. if I were to keep in touch or not. if I know you are good I think thats good enough for me. I was once asked oh yeah hows she doing? and like as close as I was with her, I couldnt answer that honestly, because I just didn't ask, how have you been? with sincereity. sometimes thats all that matters. anyways ...
10 rules to taking pictures, only a few of them have come to mind when I saw them in a book. its like be quick, try the hip shot, don't think(this is the best) you dont have to know what you'll be getting, be quick and don t think went well together. but we'll see.
one week. one week. then I can use charcoal. or I can paint, and not use 4 b pencils. and draw sharks, and beautiful people, and things and thangs, thugs and rappers talib and mos def lyricists. i'd really like to play music. an expanse of music. if I promise to play but don't know how to read music ...i'll have to ask about that one. music is probably one of the greatest things ever. it fuels my day dreams. like this is bad but okay so i used to question this..don't get me wrong so like sometimes I have the thought you are to follow. like once I felt obligated to follow and I was like I thought you wanted me to talk to you...oh no... nm i'm not going to go there. i'll draw in a few minutes.
for hours and hours.
^^ but I actually like it. sort of. and there having a spelling test next to me. hmmm my sister josh and mom come in like 2 weeks. ahhh! i want to watch the darjeeling limited with them right when they come, and hopefully my sister will be inspired and instead of what she said of yeah we'd love to be active and see all the toursity stuff, she'd let me give her a more chill experience. pleaseeeeeee. but i mean whatever it'll be good to see that stuff again.
my family is coming to church with me on sunday. like to make sure my church isn't a goth worship type of place. and now i'll have to be extroverted and feel akward and introduce my family to all my friends...will they talk korean or english, is christian just going to be as tangent as ever? this is something worth praying about.
pr: acceptence. good bonding with sister and josh. that we'd be like friends. dilligence. and okay I should be going.
hmmm i want a bowl cut, so then officially any picture i'm in will make me look younger than 15 years old. ive had some crazy dreams lately, like if I could draw this stuff, i'd have one heck of a fantasy movie on my hands. kinda wak stuff to its carajee. okay bye i dont want to go yet.
hmm i've been listening to music, not properly though. like I have to load my little shuffe for the day and I've got to skim through all this new music I have. its no bueno. I can wait to sit, and just kill a morning and after noon listening to band after band album for album. but this skimming thing...
so thinking like waiting on stuff is better. like I look back and wish i've done some things different. but now its like wait instead of all those things you wished for, why dont you just seek for the one thing thats good. i'm thinking about mhmm and mhmm and that one specific med format camera and rangefinder that would be perfect.
so i feel I should be earning things. man this boy is like are you going to live here. maybe. are you going to die here. probably not. are you going to go back to america? i dont know. questions. I used to not talk. i mean like yeah blah hwatever. i used to ask a bunch of questions to fill the air. but after even "talking" call it talking I didn't know anything about the person or they didn't know anything about me. like WHO we were. so theres differences in talking and conversing and asking questions. I met up with a friend and like while we were talking I was weary of this and noticed we didn't ask any questions. and it was dandy. whats it worth. if I were to keep in touch or not. if I know you are good I think thats good enough for me. I was once asked oh yeah hows she doing? and like as close as I was with her, I couldnt answer that honestly, because I just didn't ask, how have you been? with sincereity. sometimes thats all that matters. anyways ...
10 rules to taking pictures, only a few of them have come to mind when I saw them in a book. its like be quick, try the hip shot, don't think(this is the best) you dont have to know what you'll be getting, be quick and don t think went well together. but we'll see.
one week. one week. then I can use charcoal. or I can paint, and not use 4 b pencils. and draw sharks, and beautiful people, and things and thangs, thugs and rappers talib and mos def lyricists. i'd really like to play music. an expanse of music. if I promise to play but don't know how to read music ...i'll have to ask about that one. music is probably one of the greatest things ever. it fuels my day dreams. like this is bad but okay so i used to question this..don't get me wrong so like sometimes I have the thought you are to follow. like once I felt obligated to follow and I was like I thought you wanted me to talk to you...oh no... nm i'm not going to go there. i'll draw in a few minutes.
for hours and hours.
^^ but I actually like it. sort of. and there having a spelling test next to me. hmmm my sister josh and mom come in like 2 weeks. ahhh! i want to watch the darjeeling limited with them right when they come, and hopefully my sister will be inspired and instead of what she said of yeah we'd love to be active and see all the toursity stuff, she'd let me give her a more chill experience. pleaseeeeeee. but i mean whatever it'll be good to see that stuff again.
my family is coming to church with me on sunday. like to make sure my church isn't a goth worship type of place. and now i'll have to be extroverted and feel akward and introduce my family to all my friends...will they talk korean or english, is christian just going to be as tangent as ever? this is something worth praying about.
pr: acceptence. good bonding with sister and josh. that we'd be like friends. dilligence. and okay I should be going.
hmmm i want a bowl cut, so then officially any picture i'm in will make me look younger than 15 years old. ive had some crazy dreams lately, like if I could draw this stuff, i'd have one heck of a fantasy movie on my hands. kinda wak stuff to its carajee. okay bye i dont want to go yet.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
as I eat my morning cornflakes
I had a dream, a dream where everything that could go wrong in driving in a minnesota winter happened...well would this happen...period?
short and sweet here we go.
so max picks me up from my house. and I just see the headlights pull in so I exit out my front door. probably around 7 or 8 and the only light that is really visible is from the family room. with a chillen mom reading a book.
I hollar and I leave. I get in the car and the first thing we pretty much do is hook up the ipod to the cassette player, and I grab for the ipod but he insists on picking the music. I don't mind. so we get going and I'm like whens the show..do we have to to grab a bite? hes like yeah we do how about here and here (forget) so we're at the intersection by hollywood and byerlys, with the 2 turn lanes and the straight lane. we're in the middle lane and as we decided where to eat we had to go straight instead of turning, so this is all in the winter, slushy roads black ice low visibility. and we kinda spin out a little and make our way to the right lane, sort of cutting this jeep off. he just lays on his horn and he doesn't stop. i'm like dude take it easy cause we're distracted we don't turn into those small strip malls where game stop and stuff are and we're at the intersection by ridgedale library and plymouth rd. and without stopping we just slip and enter into the intersection pull a big Uie right in front of incoming traffic and start heading back into the strip mall. cause we have to make aleft and maybe cause the lines were'nt visible we were driving right into uncoming traffic and the honking starts again. is this a metaphor? anyways they yield cause they have to and we start turning in but we're blocked because a bunch of peopler are standing in the road watching the commotion. we're like move so this lady and man in front of her suv like try moving bu tthey dont, so somebody invisible grabs the lady from behind and she like gets dragged/disappears beneath the car, as her hand is disappearing she grabs the man and lik ecartoons he disappears as well. as we manage to park at that moment an angry mob comes thats been following us, that jeep guy cause we eventually turned intot he same mall he did comes up to us, and about 10 people pick up maxs car above their heads and start throwing it up and down like tossing a person. and I though they could manage but end up dropping his car onto the side. we're like wtf and as we go into get our sandwiches, I look over at the jeep man and his wife and they're wearing matching overalls and red flannel shirts and I'm like couple ts! so I like make a heart over my head and compliment them and the what was angry jeep driver looks and smiles over. so strange. so we get our sandwiches max has to do something so hes like d you have pen, and I dig in the cup on the counter for a pen but only find one, and I look over at max and he already has a pen and theres like 10 more pens in the cup. and I think then I wake up. okay church bye
short and sweet here we go.
so max picks me up from my house. and I just see the headlights pull in so I exit out my front door. probably around 7 or 8 and the only light that is really visible is from the family room. with a chillen mom reading a book.
I hollar and I leave. I get in the car and the first thing we pretty much do is hook up the ipod to the cassette player, and I grab for the ipod but he insists on picking the music. I don't mind. so we get going and I'm like whens the show..do we have to to grab a bite? hes like yeah we do how about here and here (forget) so we're at the intersection by hollywood and byerlys, with the 2 turn lanes and the straight lane. we're in the middle lane and as we decided where to eat we had to go straight instead of turning, so this is all in the winter, slushy roads black ice low visibility. and we kinda spin out a little and make our way to the right lane, sort of cutting this jeep off. he just lays on his horn and he doesn't stop. i'm like dude take it easy cause we're distracted we don't turn into those small strip malls where game stop and stuff are and we're at the intersection by ridgedale library and plymouth rd. and without stopping we just slip and enter into the intersection pull a big Uie right in front of incoming traffic and start heading back into the strip mall. cause we have to make aleft and maybe cause the lines were'nt visible we were driving right into uncoming traffic and the honking starts again. is this a metaphor? anyways they yield cause they have to and we start turning in but we're blocked because a bunch of peopler are standing in the road watching the commotion. we're like move so this lady and man in front of her suv like try moving bu tthey dont, so somebody invisible grabs the lady from behind and she like gets dragged/disappears beneath the car, as her hand is disappearing she grabs the man and lik ecartoons he disappears as well. as we manage to park at that moment an angry mob comes thats been following us, that jeep guy cause we eventually turned intot he same mall he did comes up to us, and about 10 people pick up maxs car above their heads and start throwing it up and down like tossing a person. and I though they could manage but end up dropping his car onto the side. we're like wtf and as we go into get our sandwiches, I look over at the jeep man and his wife and they're wearing matching overalls and red flannel shirts and I'm like couple ts! so I like make a heart over my head and compliment them and the what was angry jeep driver looks and smiles over. so strange. so we get our sandwiches max has to do something so hes like d you have pen, and I dig in the cup on the counter for a pen but only find one, and I look over at max and he already has a pen and theres like 10 more pens in the cup. and I think then I wake up. okay church bye
like do I smell?
kinda bad?
like wtf?
hahaha I dont think i do. except when... I'll put it as african chief puts it " my beef strong"
you dont think grandmas lie just to prove a point do you?
I mean I shower at night, I can't possibly smell by the morning?
like wtf? and I don't spend enough time around that little girl whos room I tried to get into but couldn't cause the doors locked to have her think that I smell anyways. anybody else think what I just said was creepy? hahha you have no idea keu keu keu. shes maybe unofficially or officially, perhaps news to me as well...my younger sister?? so at immigration shes like what kind of visas is your younger sister on...i'm like I don't have a youn....ohhh shes korean korean. so maybe its official. news to you guys huh? I now have my birth sister and two random sisters...jk not random. wow this went way out of line.
okay so do I smell or what?
I honestly don't think I smell. and if she can think I smell bad, wouldn't I be able to smell her as well...like this whole mutual being human thing isn't making sense right now. So like i said hello and poped on here, and my grandmas like areyou going to take a shower. I was like sure in a little bit, cause I guess I feel sticky. and then she goes off on how bad I smell, shes like even the little girl thinks so...and as shes walking off out of eye sight, even ajuma thinks so ajuma is the equivalent of middle aged woman... I tried googling it, but the epitamy of korean ajuma didn't really prove helpful. this is bs.
i'll try something tomorrow, i'll try some of that stuff they call cologne, or le toilet. and dang get off the gig of washing my clothes. man am I just being a stubborn or what? like I consulted a person and they didn't think I needed to wash my clothes EVERY time I wore them. but thinking back...I didn't do laundry as much as many others.
and sometimes yeah, you can smell your own smell. but like I just smelled myself, and I dont think I smell. so I dont really care but I mean i guess by questioning my own stench I'm trying to make the point of... I don't even know.
and I thought I had more meaningful things to write about.
I saved 60 dollars a few days ago. I tried buying a flash diffuser, de pew sa hanglish so difficult. anyways they turned out uber expensive so I made one. and the results prove subtle but meh i'd say bueno (hasn't yet really been used in real life scenarios)
made of tinfoil wrapped around a card type of thing I used this random piece of plastic and duct tape. and created a small pocket at the base where I could insert in front of the flash...get it?
without :(

with ^^
the device
can somebody say get a life? ps in the little girls room, with an unlocked door. so I could show you pictures and tell you how I supposedly smell bad. T.T ps#2 doesn't effectively work for verticle shots...and I haven't yet tried outdoors, probably ineffective, night scene is is pretty darn good. for bars and lounges, I dont think clubs cause the ceilings are high.. shutter 60 and fstop 3.5 okay bye
kinda bad?
like wtf?
hahaha I dont think i do. except when... I'll put it as african chief puts it " my beef strong"
you dont think grandmas lie just to prove a point do you?
I mean I shower at night, I can't possibly smell by the morning?
like wtf? and I don't spend enough time around that little girl whos room I tried to get into but couldn't cause the doors locked to have her think that I smell anyways. anybody else think what I just said was creepy? hahha you have no idea keu keu keu. shes maybe unofficially or officially, perhaps news to me as well...my younger sister?? so at immigration shes like what kind of visas is your younger sister on...i'm like I don't have a youn....ohhh shes korean korean. so maybe its official. news to you guys huh? I now have my birth sister and two random sisters...jk not random. wow this went way out of line.
okay so do I smell or what?
I honestly don't think I smell. and if she can think I smell bad, wouldn't I be able to smell her as well...like this whole mutual being human thing isn't making sense right now. So like i said hello and poped on here, and my grandmas like areyou going to take a shower. I was like sure in a little bit, cause I guess I feel sticky. and then she goes off on how bad I smell, shes like even the little girl thinks so...and as shes walking off out of eye sight, even ajuma thinks so ajuma is the equivalent of middle aged woman... I tried googling it, but the epitamy of korean ajuma didn't really prove helpful. this is bs.
i'll try something tomorrow, i'll try some of that stuff they call cologne, or le toilet. and dang get off the gig of washing my clothes. man am I just being a stubborn or what? like I consulted a person and they didn't think I needed to wash my clothes EVERY time I wore them. but thinking back...I didn't do laundry as much as many others.
and sometimes yeah, you can smell your own smell. but like I just smelled myself, and I dont think I smell. so I dont really care but I mean i guess by questioning my own stench I'm trying to make the point of... I don't even know.
and I thought I had more meaningful things to write about.
I saved 60 dollars a few days ago. I tried buying a flash diffuser, de pew sa hanglish so difficult. anyways they turned out uber expensive so I made one. and the results prove subtle but meh i'd say bueno (hasn't yet really been used in real life scenarios)
made of tinfoil wrapped around a card type of thing I used this random piece of plastic and duct tape. and created a small pocket at the base where I could insert in front of the flash...get it?
without :(
with ^^
the device
can somebody say get a life? ps in the little girls room, with an unlocked door. so I could show you pictures and tell you how I supposedly smell bad. T.T ps#2 doesn't effectively work for verticle shots...and I haven't yet tried outdoors, probably ineffective, night scene is is pretty darn good. for bars and lounges, I dont think clubs cause the ceilings are high.. shutter 60 and fstop 3.5 okay bye
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
my pops and i fixed the soul jazz records bag. they kept insisint I buy a new one, I was like this CANT be replaced. hmm maybe its to early. but its even got my camera holder like I specifically wanted, cause that thing keeps poking me in the back and stuff. duct tape is your friend, I mean mine.
so I took out my nose ring... but my dads was like happy sad so now hes like you can put it back in if you want , I think he just wanted the respect and such and such. Shows what being persistant does. You should have seen me, like two pliers in hand...it is convenient, like it doesn't hurt, but theres nothing there when I wash my face..cool.
man but my grandma is still on my case about washing them t shirts, I'm like cmon wear it once and hang it in the sun and its fresh and kinda clean for another wearing. keep washing it like this it'll be vintage a lil earlier than vintage standards.
I'm still a who^^ gosh I thought I saw this coming, but damn I didn't see it like this. I can't tell if shes kidding or not, shes like if you could have any car ...R32! interesting. I hope this doesn't stay in me, and the things that I want so darn bad are just things I kinda need...as like an investment type of thing... like an interface, and a mic and the things that go with that, and possibily fix my video camera ...i'm being quite vague. but i've got time and what am I waiting for, get on something. see I'm getting sucked into the material things. I don't know what it is, maybe its what i'm exposing my mind to. or that i'm being spoiled like a...yeah I guess I'd like to EARN IT! i'm not really in a position to. gosh this isn't fair. for those others who cant. I've been trying to give money to the poor lately. I don't know what it means for them, or for me. i've got a good box of clothes I'm trying to donate but to china...the hump hostel. whos got the china ronry? pat? or you? yeah i' think i'll look up that address.
note to self
I was rejected from one of my schools. same with every other applicant except for one in the music department. you dont thin they'd give my porfolio and application fee back would they?
so I totally don't think i'm good at drawing either. but I guess i'll work my butt off and make myself good...in two weeks. AHHHHHHHH!
and I'm sitting next to those two girls who goof off and get me involved in rock paper sissers YABOOOO! after I walked and opened the window after losing. so yeah my korean hasn't improved much, like I spelled happy birthday wrong, and got laughed at, I mean I saw it coming but...and my english...like a proofread paper where she had so many where to were. gosh you dumby.
I said i'd draw at home, I left the art studio with a random empty sketch book and looked for my grandmas bday present. as I had it wrapped and walked to the subway I realized I left the pad. Smiling I was like, it wasn't meant to be...keu keu keu. peter your going to fail if you continue getting joy out of not drawing. but its as sweet as skipping korean class! hahahaha wow i'd just not go and pass out for those two hours. and then look outside at the dim evening and see the kids strolling back in. sometimes I stayed alone, other times I ran downstairs to catch some din din. hollar.
I was pretty happy today. like I handed in almost everything to hongdae, i've only got a couple things left and those i'm just waiting on. after I handed my things in, I entered an elevator with three or four beautiful ladiessssssss, and I felt uncomfortable so I turned on my headphones. and I got to walk the streets, and was like wow, this is where I am right now, and right now is all that matters. I was thankful and happy. and I was like ACCEPT ME!! ahhhhhhh! whoever saw me must have thought whats this boy on, cause I was probably zoned out, smiling with like a weird excited smile like a fat boy when he finds chocolate...hahah thats bad. whatchu chuckling at fatty? find a piece of candy in yo pocket? good ol major paine.
but sam is totally not happy about me leaving without touching the paper once. I mean I arrived in hongdae and my dad called and was like, get back by 530 we're eating dinner together. As i was riding the subway I was like i'm fixing this bag tonight with my free time. and I did. and voila I don't know what is going to happen in the cold, cause the adhesive might freeze and crack...but who knows, its sturdy and doing well. hollar. and I pinned it up, with amelie and save the love. word.
okay. hmm. word to yo motha trav say hi to your fam for me. max umm so if youw ant to chat friday, I'll get on at sat at like 1, that'll be friday night 11 for you. k cool. I was like but what happens if I'm already out and about, damn just chill.
remember when we lived together? hahah i was like in a different context..do you remember when we moved in together...haha yeah do you? so kids are like declaring majors and thangs and thangs. neuscrill your like working and thangs wtf am I doing. whatever. anyways I cant wait to geek out and play bond one of these nights. whos got that bigscreen now? and the 64? with maxs extra controller...haha oh man. this is the stuff that makes me homesick so ima stop. peace.
so I took out my nose ring... but my dads was like happy sad so now hes like you can put it back in if you want , I think he just wanted the respect and such and such. Shows what being persistant does. You should have seen me, like two pliers in hand...it is convenient, like it doesn't hurt, but theres nothing there when I wash my face..cool.
man but my grandma is still on my case about washing them t shirts, I'm like cmon wear it once and hang it in the sun and its fresh and kinda clean for another wearing. keep washing it like this it'll be vintage a lil earlier than vintage standards.
I'm still a who^^ gosh I thought I saw this coming, but damn I didn't see it like this. I can't tell if shes kidding or not, shes like if you could have any car ...R32! interesting. I hope this doesn't stay in me, and the things that I want so darn bad are just things I kinda need...as like an investment type of thing... like an interface, and a mic and the things that go with that, and possibily fix my video camera ...i'm being quite vague. but i've got time and what am I waiting for, get on something. see I'm getting sucked into the material things. I don't know what it is, maybe its what i'm exposing my mind to. or that i'm being spoiled like a...yeah I guess I'd like to EARN IT! i'm not really in a position to. gosh this isn't fair. for those others who cant. I've been trying to give money to the poor lately. I don't know what it means for them, or for me. i've got a good box of clothes I'm trying to donate but to china...the hump hostel. whos got the china ronry? pat? or you? yeah i' think i'll look up that address.
note to self
Jinmabiji Square Jinbi Rd. |
Kunming, Yunnan Province, China |
650021 |
I was rejected from one of my schools. same with every other applicant except for one in the music department. you dont thin they'd give my porfolio and application fee back would they?
so I totally don't think i'm good at drawing either. but I guess i'll work my butt off and make myself good...in two weeks. AHHHHHHHH!
and I'm sitting next to those two girls who goof off and get me involved in rock paper sissers YABOOOO! after I walked and opened the window after losing. so yeah my korean hasn't improved much, like I spelled happy birthday wrong, and got laughed at, I mean I saw it coming but...and my english...like a proofread paper where she had so many where to were. gosh you dumby.
I said i'd draw at home, I left the art studio with a random empty sketch book and looked for my grandmas bday present. as I had it wrapped and walked to the subway I realized I left the pad. Smiling I was like, it wasn't meant to be...keu keu keu. peter your going to fail if you continue getting joy out of not drawing. but its as sweet as skipping korean class! hahahaha wow i'd just not go and pass out for those two hours. and then look outside at the dim evening and see the kids strolling back in. sometimes I stayed alone, other times I ran downstairs to catch some din din. hollar.
I was pretty happy today. like I handed in almost everything to hongdae, i've only got a couple things left and those i'm just waiting on. after I handed my things in, I entered an elevator with three or four beautiful ladiessssssss, and I felt uncomfortable so I turned on my headphones. and I got to walk the streets, and was like wow, this is where I am right now, and right now is all that matters. I was thankful and happy. and I was like ACCEPT ME!! ahhhhhhh! whoever saw me must have thought whats this boy on, cause I was probably zoned out, smiling with like a weird excited smile like a fat boy when he finds chocolate...hahah thats bad. whatchu chuckling at fatty? find a piece of candy in yo pocket? good ol major paine.
but sam is totally not happy about me leaving without touching the paper once. I mean I arrived in hongdae and my dad called and was like, get back by 530 we're eating dinner together. As i was riding the subway I was like i'm fixing this bag tonight with my free time. and I did. and voila I don't know what is going to happen in the cold, cause the adhesive might freeze and crack...but who knows, its sturdy and doing well. hollar. and I pinned it up, with amelie and save the love. word.
okay. hmm. word to yo motha trav say hi to your fam for me. max umm so if youw ant to chat friday, I'll get on at sat at like 1, that'll be friday night 11 for you. k cool. I was like but what happens if I'm already out and about, damn just chill.
remember when we lived together? hahah i was like in a different context..do you remember when we moved in together...haha yeah do you? so kids are like declaring majors and thangs and thangs. neuscrill your like working and thangs wtf am I doing. whatever. anyways I cant wait to geek out and play bond one of these nights. whos got that bigscreen now? and the 64? with maxs extra controller...haha oh man. this is the stuff that makes me homesick so ima stop. peace.
Monday, August 4, 2008
i'm trying to reverse the 왕타 (loner, wangta, o is ING ㅗ is O ㅏis A ㅘ is WAH say oa like vowel sounds really fast) , to 같이 (ㄱis Gㅏ is A ㅌis T ㅇis silent ㅣis E or I gat che)
wow that took a bit. hmm so I updated, I have a second blog, but its a religious blog so it may not relate and a third as a matter, the one we made in writing class and like I totally thought I didn't know what blogging was when I first created this one. that class was dope. anyways...
my right earbud stopped working, after examining the small wire has become seperated from that other metal piece, and damn is that small for me to try and sauder into that thing. we'll have to wait and see. and thats to bad cause I've got a harddrive full of music I havent listened to yet, and I'm trying to get top notch sound quality here, cmon whyd you have to bust. I've been digging an alternative music lately, and a pretty epic post rock music, and then a very hip hoppy not that bonk rap. okay so marcus an african american brother at my church did such a sick rendition of a kweli song. and then he came out with an original r and b hip hop with haewon and I was like damn i'd like get soulfull with this music! I gave him props and all that jazz, cause that was pimp.
i'm trying to stop swear, but I really enjoy the endless possibilities of how to accentuate, and I had to look at dictionary.com to see how to spell that, exentuate, you dumby. accent my gosh.
and as I put on music, I add a few hours worth of songs, of things I don't know, but I briefly preview, and even though I doesn't blow me away at first, I realized once I stop trying to enjoy, and just listen to the music, I always end up getting into it. talk about personal biases proudnesses and things like that. What gives us boundaries like that?...oh yeah hollywood...jk not really but rame.
I'd like to start recording again. Like I went skating last night, and I skated and saw this person sitting on their board and I talked to them for a bit. She had the lense I want..10-22 mm its such a sweet lens. anways I did my rounds, oh yeah I went out inspired, pumped up. dykstramyskate on youtube, hes bomb and I like the song, what song is that? anyways going out inspired is like the way to do things. in all things, I think i have to get my friends a little pumped on me coming home...to be determined, and I did a little pumping up ( should do more wiki research) about seeing max in the winter time. I'm already thinking about wearing sweaters and jackets and scarves and hats again, man summer, why dont you get chilly at night? and ac I despise you, you make me cold when I shouldn't be. you use energy when I just need to sit still for 5 minutes in a shaded area with a breeze. damn you ac. anyways I'll talk with you and we'll look up wiki and see where our minds take us.
man why cant the news be inspiring? you know the perspective you look at things, you see up or you see down. something crappy happens, and if you find a way to try and look at it optimistically, then your not so worked up. but damn if you dwell on it negatively, you sure will have a head ache. well i'll just look else where.
well i'm a wh^^ I zoned out on flickr and the web for another hour than I should have been. good night. T.T
^@ㅅ@^ those without korean on their computer may not understand the ??? that come as a replacement.
wow that took a bit. hmm so I updated, I have a second blog, but its a religious blog so it may not relate and a third as a matter, the one we made in writing class and like I totally thought I didn't know what blogging was when I first created this one. that class was dope. anyways...
my right earbud stopped working, after examining the small wire has become seperated from that other metal piece, and damn is that small for me to try and sauder into that thing. we'll have to wait and see. and thats to bad cause I've got a harddrive full of music I havent listened to yet, and I'm trying to get top notch sound quality here, cmon whyd you have to bust. I've been digging an alternative music lately, and a pretty epic post rock music, and then a very hip hoppy not that bonk rap. okay so marcus an african american brother at my church did such a sick rendition of a kweli song. and then he came out with an original r and b hip hop with haewon and I was like damn i'd like get soulfull with this music! I gave him props and all that jazz, cause that was pimp.
i'm trying to stop swear, but I really enjoy the endless possibilities of how to accentuate, and I had to look at dictionary.com to see how to spell that, exentuate, you dumby. accent my gosh.
and as I put on music, I add a few hours worth of songs, of things I don't know, but I briefly preview, and even though I doesn't blow me away at first, I realized once I stop trying to enjoy, and just listen to the music, I always end up getting into it. talk about personal biases proudnesses and things like that. What gives us boundaries like that?...oh yeah hollywood...jk not really but rame.
I'd like to start recording again. Like I went skating last night, and I skated and saw this person sitting on their board and I talked to them for a bit. She had the lense I want..10-22 mm its such a sweet lens. anways I did my rounds, oh yeah I went out inspired, pumped up. dykstramyskate on youtube, hes bomb and I like the song, what song is that? anyways going out inspired is like the way to do things. in all things, I think i have to get my friends a little pumped on me coming home...to be determined, and I did a little pumping up ( should do more wiki research) about seeing max in the winter time. I'm already thinking about wearing sweaters and jackets and scarves and hats again, man summer, why dont you get chilly at night? and ac I despise you, you make me cold when I shouldn't be. you use energy when I just need to sit still for 5 minutes in a shaded area with a breeze. damn you ac. anyways I'll talk with you and we'll look up wiki and see where our minds take us.
man why cant the news be inspiring? you know the perspective you look at things, you see up or you see down. something crappy happens, and if you find a way to try and look at it optimistically, then your not so worked up. but damn if you dwell on it negatively, you sure will have a head ache. well i'll just look else where.
well i'm a wh^^ I zoned out on flickr and the web for another hour than I should have been. good night. T.T
^@ㅅ@^ those without korean on their computer may not understand the ??? that come as a replacement.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
so the touch of pen has lost its touch. for a temporary time maybe my calling is to write online. so this one goes out to the one and only hobo choe.
I guess in a sense, i havent been inspired to write, so the pages I wrote in her book are quite random, and as far as writing from the heart goes, was very surface leveled.
hmm i've moved on, almost too quickly from the people i've said bye to. I dont understand why either because I have the heart to love and embrace, I guess it catches up with me later. I looked at her book, and realized how quickly she reached so many of you guys, how she has been herself this whole time and it only took me another whole semester to realize how wonderful of a person she is to be around. I mean not as a replacement, but when yak left, I am spending the equivalent time that I saw him ( like everyday) with her, and with this left over time I'm going to have to do something good, to make myself better, because spending time with her is just good. period. so I left a bunch of pictures on her desktop to remind her of me...keu keu keu, and its a bit bitter because it'll just remind her of the times we had, but it will also be a reminder that there are many more times to come, and ever better and even more joyful times to come in our lives.
my prof picture now has meaning. the trio is present, one behind the camera, and the two playing the tico drums. mhmm yes sir yes sir I do love these kids. and don't get me wrong, its only cause shes leaving that shes getting this blog post, and I mention you other foolios too so...its daylight, i havent slept yet, and I have to go to church in a few hours. I wish I could just go to the air port with hannah. maybe I will, I mean I was just in the chapel last night for a good service on giving. giving your heart out, to be blessed and be a blessing. I'm trying to think of how i've been blessed in the relationships I've built here, and I think they have led me to who I want to be, and who I want to become. they have shown me love, and helped and been there to challenge me and support me.
anyways hannah, I'm sory I keep posting pictures on your desktop, it might make you cry, but not in front of people because I know you dont cry in front of people anymore...hahah how embarrasing...jk sorry, but i'm still posting this. back to the pen i suppose? there sleeping, haha its pretty cute. but I wont take pictures, or maybe i'll grab one of aarons cameras and suprise him, he'll be like what the. its precious anyways.
so whats it like...to be on an air plane back home, when you don't really want to go? we've said bye to sooo many people, but ourselves haven't left and soon who will be left? when will I get a chance to say hello again? hopefully soon. movies are probably some of the greatest things ever. they show me how imperfect humans are from a voyeurs perspective, and I feel if I was in the same situation in reality, and took a moment to put life on hold and dwell in a movie, I'd be able to resolve after. I think. We watched eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, and it was quite beautiful. what do we do? just enjoy it... as the last memory fades into the darkness. gawd let us just enjoy life with grateful hearts. that we are given so much joy and love that we have everything we need in each other. love love. and the pen stops and i feel sadness. but its only temporary for when we meet again, it'll be the honey of BEES!? hahah shes going to cry, i betchu. am I going to cry? shiznit..
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