Saturday, December 29, 2007
super chill
hmm I guess people are cool, and I suppose they care about me. I was bummed cause I havent spoken to like my best friend back home in a while, then he goes sending me messages and little things to remind him of me(nike dunks Gibson style) It was cool to here from him, even just through my brief writing he could tell I've been down lately, its cool he knows me that well. One of the few to be able to read my eyes see whats really happening. I'm listening to deerhunter, random on my friends computer and its super good and super chill. I want a girl friend really bad, thats official. Bros are there cause your lonely, but you need a girl to take care of your lonliness. haha random but heres one "cant live without em, cant kill em" ahah jk but randomly I heard that recently. also "i dont lose...not really" thats a good one from the french film The Samurai, i'd like to learn french so I can understand those films, there quite beautiful. I went snowboarding this weekend, like 10 hours of it in 18 hours of day, pretty bomb. conditions blew, but similar to minnesota as in icy as fuck, but the runs were huge. Played in the half pipe a bit and ate shit a bit, its all fun in the game though. I'm pretty good now, my cig habit went out of hand a bit, I'd like one everyonce in a while, so I need bali shag instead of this prepacked shit thats way to accesible, and plus if I chill in that environment I sometimes end up smoking a bunch, I know its not good but its a part of an experience I'll get out of. So my sansangnem name is son hoik, last, first. I'm meeting him this week right before I head to thailand, cambodia, laos, vietnam and china. i was going to stay a month but it may be like 6 weeks, i'm going to take 20 rolls of film, like theres twenty cigs in a pack of camels, that I currently have now. hopefully I can fix my minolta cause its smaller but I suppose those Eos is pretty fucking bomb. I'll be the most amazing photographer, cause even a point and shoot in one of these locations, such as tibet...hopefully will be AMAZING! gawdd I miss the people who left, and I long for them. whatevs I gotta push on through. This weekend was good for me, I didn't really drone in my head to hard, but I expressed myself a little bit to this one girl, and then I'm like I hope i'm doing the right thing, cause I sometimes look at the negative side to things but I think theres more good to it than anything. shes quite kind, we'll see how this turns out. shes not stupid hot" i had to write that cause jason was like I going to try to get a stupid hot girlfriend or something along the lines to that, while sitting next ti jake, thats his line for sure. its so funny having little personality traits rub off from your friends, and out of no where they come out and your like hey, that belongs to so and so...whatevs. its funny. well i'm cashed with jake at pats, just got back from our boarding with yoseb and jason, we said hey to some kids in front of pizza hut and will meet alex to say peace a bit later. but for now i'll say peace. peace
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
MERRY CHRISTMAS CHRIS!! it was so weird being away from home, I guess I learned a lot about christmas being a holiday to appreciate the loved ones around you, and not the material things. In a sense the spirit of christmas! I miss home and everybody there so much. so it was really warming to get this email and the photos. so thanks much Everybody here is asking when your getting married, I say a couple years correct me if I'm wrong. My friends think your cute, this is what the girls have said. I am going to surprise mom with a letter and package I hope to send to AZ. where should I send it to? Gawdd it was nice to hear dallean is okay for now, I hope everything is well and I will ring christmas morning so talk to you soon. Much love oPeter On 24 Dec 2007, Christina Kang wrote: > --_ebc2ba92-3acf-4088-88d1-4aebac249bb5_ > Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" > Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable > > Hi from Minnesota, > > MERRY CHRISTMAS! We wish you were here...miss you and love you both. Be s= > afe and hopefully we'll see you soon. > > I've attached some pictures...I'll send more tomorrow. > > Josh and I have been dating for 15 months now...there is a picture of his f= > amily as well (minus his older sister Amanda). =20 > > Mom misses you and she says hi. Dallean says hi too. > > Love you both, > > Christina, Mom and Dallean
what a weird christmas
like christmas hardly exists here. maybe its the lack of home loving and snow and pine christmas trees. I went to church today, I really took to heart the skit on the spirit of christmas. its changed the way i look at christmas now, its not about presents and material things, its about spending good time with loved ones, sharing love and appreciating each others company. The one good thing we did for christmas was make egg nog together. it was delicious and now in the years to come I see myself making eggnog for me and my family, reminicing on this time when I first made egg nog. our instructions were a list of 5 or 6 flavors and thats it, then we just went at it, throwing eggs in, beating, cinamon (lack of nutmeg) milk sugar and vanilla. our recipe is like 2.5 tbsp of sugar per 2 eggs, so a dozen eggs into a liter of milk, and then its a mix and taste and a mix and taste. its fun try it! umm i funked myself again, dinner with my friends and dad was okay, nothing meaningful or christmas like about it, i think people ended up getting buzzed. I smoked cigs to push the chinese food down and its a really good thing to use to get some quality thinking done. About how much i hate communicating, its frustrating to me. but i'm over it now, i just stress myself, dig my hole, and then I climb out a little later. I bought a yellow tail bottle, a shiraz bottle in dedication one of my good friends for my dad. I should have just kept it for myself though but oh well its the thought that counts right? yeah. now were chillen at hannahs, me yak hannah and pat, listening to classic christmas music, not that shitty korean remixed bullshit. i think there naming all the reindeer right now. in spanish ole! haha i'm holding up the computer and postponing our watchin of a nightmare before christmas so this was my update. good night, happy holidays, have a crazy new years and all the other stuff friends say to each other.
Monday, December 24, 2007
i'd like to write on your guys wall but its getting overwhelming. as much as I'd like to keep in touch, I don't feel I can get down to touch this quick. this is the best way you will know, that I would like to write something wonderful and meaningful, explaining how much I miss you guys, and that it isn't the same anymore. Our holidays are lonesome and just bring back the awesome, yet saddening memories of all the great times we've had together. Appreciate this because you must be longing for us as we are you guys back at your homes, but be happy with the family you are with, and the familiar faces of the friends that love you before and on your return back. we've had the most wonderful thing taken from us before the holiday that was meant to be spent with loved ones and to express giving and receiving love. It fucking sucks. and I don't have my mom, FUCK!! theres a lot of good stuff I thinka bout lately, the good memories at that for each and every one of you guys. I look forward to seeing you guys, it isn't the last of that. well thanks guys, thanks God, because of this abroad experience, I can go through this emotion, of longing and missing of people I love, and I love them because you gave me the chance to meet them. and now we have this for life...i mean we have this forever. man I got to see a video of my friends, rapping to some music and just partying, I fucking miss home, miss the people there, and miss just being in a place where you can call home. appreciate that shit. appreciate this sadness, and be happy for what we've done here, made awesome friends and experienced such a different experience. well to keep you guys updated, me, yak, and hannah, are sharing a couples chair at a random pc bang together. you guys know christmas is a couples holiday here, and the streets are flooded with linked unseperable entities that are known as the korean couple. its carajeee. me and yak sat in the park pondering wtf to do and watched some 3 dudes sing acapella, they did silent night and that was killer. christmas eve, what should we do? i' dont know but it'd be a lot sweeter if we could wake up wishing you guys christmas, in whatever status we may be, but I'm sure we would have been together. but look at this false dream its pointless to write about. i've had enough peace
Saturday, December 22, 2007
so theres a weird anxiety i'm feeling right now. sorry my blog is going to be boring but constantly updated in the coming week or so. I promise theres going to be a months break where there wont be any activity what so ever, and then I'll be blogging about my adventures in the shigol. so I can't believe your there, and I'm here still. I feel a little lonely, but this feeling is like something new is starting. I've made all these great memories and awesome friendships, and now we have seperated ourselves from each other. Its really difficult to express how i'm feeling, a little lost, a little independent, its like what do I want to do now?... because I'm pretty much by myself. I've got Yak right now though, but hes old and stuff...haha jk. So this is how its going to be, maybe this is a good start to finding myself, becoming a little more grown, and at the high point in sadness, I'm not all that lonely because I know I have you guys, and we'll be in touch for sure. I think we did everything pretty good here, made good friends, made good memories, experienced something so wonderful to make ourselves that much better. on that I thank you guys for making this trip soooo meaningful. keep it touch and keep this meaningful stuff up, writing to each other would be great, just checking in time to time. this is a memo to myself cause i'm pretty terrible at communicating, i'll try for you guys tho.
Friday, December 21, 2007
im a miracle, but wait arent we all a gift from God? duno, my mom almost died having me. crazy huh? why am I writing this. its amazing cause some amazing family friend found a cure and gave her medicine to live on. I miss her dearly. I do everything for her. well doctors, keep helping lives, David, your doing something good. I was in such a rut today, I duno what it was but I got all depressed and stuff, not like I was really sad, but It was something I couldn't explain, I just knew I was down. I wanted to blame it on "i want a cig" but I dont htink thats it and then I snapped out of it, good thing i did cause we had an amazing night together. james's last, one of the last nights together like this, his 21st birthday, amzing that I know him. I live for god for my mom. and it isn't like we made friends for life, we made friends FOREVER here. I locked myself out again second 5 am in a row. haha but i got to see akane chan and said goodbye to her, but i'll hopefully see her again someday, shes wonderful. i'm listening to this slow and kinda sad song, its got strings, I used to play strings, its quite beautiful. i'm dehydrated. and theres big boxes filling our room, sam I'm sorry I gotta leave you, you've been a awesome roomate, sorry you gotta say bye to me. me too though. but peace and love folks.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
so i've locked myself out of my room with no number on the security guards door . this is one of thos fuckkkkkkk moments. i've been funked, I say " you don't know me" why do I purposely put up this front? I don't get it. i've also done some other freaky shit because my mind is driving me insane. well slowly you guys are leaving, its very bitter sweet. for the most part I hope to see you soon. maybe in a year i can go snowboarding in CO in the spring in a T shirt, thatd be bomb. i've got to earn it, everything I gotta earn. i'm still a kid, so I need to man up and take on some responsibility and take some initiative. do I want a girl? probably. umm cool. later
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
dont play with fire and 151...wait why not? I almost shed tears the other day, I wish I could have, I haven't felt that emotion in a while. Also i've gotten it more than once where they say I don't look so good, like I'm out of it or something. maybe my subconscious is hiding something. have I been happy? well you guys are leaving this week, ask me next week how I'm doing what I'm feeling, we're all going to be in crazy emotion states that may be new to us. feel free to express yourself, its healthy. I'm hung over peace
Thursday, December 13, 2007
wtf!! amy ryo your in this one
aright so amy, ryo, you guys were getting pojang and I ran into you guys on my way home. Remember? and then remember the crazy guy under that bridge that screamed and shit? yeah that guy is what this story is about. So i walked past you guys we said are farewells, and that drunk man his name is choi sang hun, cause i've got his business card. hes going to fix my bag. aright anyways he came running past me and I didn't think much of it, just another drunk man...but then his hat fell off and he kept going. So i was like cool, a free hat... I love hats...but he stopped and turned and was pretty out of it. So I cautiosly walked and pick up his hat and headed towards him. He started apologizing, jesong hae and stuff and was like can i get a cup of cha, and I was like no I dont have a car, then he clarified and meant tea, but at this point I was like is this guy a bum or what? turns out not but anyways I turned away and was like what the fuck. I walked up that love bridge with the lights and stopped to look what he was up to, and he was stumbling I walked down the other side and talked to him again and was like whats up, and stuff like that. Hes like i'm so lonely and sad... at this point I was like, maybe I can change his life... yeah right but maybe I made his night. So with his drunk stammering I first asked if he was a bad person, napun salam, I wish I had some hanguk up on this computer damn, and hes like no no i'm korean and stuff. he kept asking me if I was korean and I kept telling him, he didn't want to believe me. drunk people are weird. so we kept talking and walking and I was like here lets go to a good place where we can get a cup of cha. word. so man there was so much circulation of what he was saying, he must have forgotten the last conversation we had. well he gave me chocolates, I was kind of nervous at first but didn't think badly of the guy. We ended up at sum for a little bit, had our drinks of tea and some more chocolates. we discussed my name for a while, it kept running in circles and then we finally decided to head out. maybe i'm to nice, but I guess my intuition told me he wasn't a bad guy. anyways maybe i'll get in touch and have him fix my bag, see if hes not so depressed, must be the alcohol I guess. so this night anyways, went and got sam gyup with shiraz, it was chill. headed to mogi jan for a han jan and found mogi has so many movies, and shiraz loves movies. were going to watch one wednesday at four, grind house if vieweres are interested? anyways come. we played some time crisis before we left, and departing wasn't akward but there wasn't much for words to be said, he said it feels we didn't talk that much tonight, whatever there was a lot of other meaningful stuff that happened, and the hand shake summed it all up anyways. I then headed home...yeah right I ended up running into james and seth pat and headed with them to mikes cabin to meet angelicas class. I ended up chain smoking and chillen, I met some people and talked a little, not a whole lot happening. it was good all together. I had some good thoughts today, i wish I always had my journal to jot things down, but only got one thing down today. life is good, Thank you God. holla well peace I suppose. I could blabber in which I will. oh yeah, people are taking off, wtf. I dunno If I'll see a lot of these people again, I hope so though. I'll hit you up when I'm in your town. come to minnesota, I was asked twice whats there, its good I'd say. You just have to experience it some day. four seasons, trees, lakes, a good environment of people. trendy uptown and shabby cafes. thinking of cafe vera, art, weisman and walker art center, so pretty on a spring or summer day, theatres, good restraunts, thinking of chino latino right now. good parks to grill at, awesome lakes to take walks around, makes the perfect day. wonderful glass thinking of clown, good music shops, amazing guitar stores, willys vintage guitars, good music, the cabooze. a sweet campus and a sweet grass chillen area called the mall area. amazing times spent there, skating sitting on my tapestry with friends, getting on the comp while outdoors, checking out beautiful minnesota girls, korea there so pretty tho. I sat at this bar tonight, and was like that girls gorgeous, that girls beautiful, but thats all nothing more to that. anyways I tried getting some meaning out of speech and it was a mash of to many words explaining dumb and useless things. whatever I guess that shit happens. I'd rather keep to myself at those points, which I sort of did. plus I might have been trying to put up the quiet you don't know me image. whatever I hoped to give a good charisma, at least smile and laugh as much as I could. the music is pretty much all that kept me going, they played a lot of club music, some biggie as I left and some stair way to heaven which is AMAZING. and now im super burnt out wishing for something that I'm not even sure about myself. anyways we caught 11:11 and I love that. so much I almost got depressed on ppr day cause I missed 11:11 haha. I usually make the same wish, so its a good hope when i get that time. well anyways I hope I don't die before i'm thirty. live well people.
Monday, December 10, 2007
because you wouldn't know
so I could write in my journal but unless your one of the lucky few to view into that thing you wouldn't know. I guess this is what this blog means to me. So you guys know what the worst kind of fish is? care to know? its a selfish haha. I was told that by one of the dudes I've looked up to my whole life. Amazing how that stuck with me. His older brother Ron choi used to tickle me till I cried and then Mark (marky) would be all nice and stuff. I hope hes doing well where ever he may be. I've got a picture that I found he must be in his teens and i've got that in my wallet. but you guys don't know him so I'll stop here about him. Its relevant cause I've never really been a selfish person. I've always been caring and probably went to far out of my way to try and be a nice person. But I can't have little things holding me back. And i'm not saying you guys are little things, I love you guys to death but this next year is going to be my time. I'll miss you guys but I can't be consumed by the thought of that. I don't really know what im getting at sooo I'll just write. Wow in four months we've made so many friends! that was awesome. like the first step to study abroad goal was reached wonderfully. and now we've all got our ways to head and I hope you guys make the best of it. I see such maturity for age in Yoseb and he gave me a lot of comforting words on the front step today, I didn't even see this coming and such meaning came out of our conversation. I'm really grateful for those moments. He said he had hard times when first going to the states, he had memories of back home and how he could be doing this and that and having so much fun, meeting new friends and how he missed it so much. He said those four months or so he was really being held back from living his life fully. I have to prepare myself for this, I'm ready to say bye to you guys because you guys mean so much I can come see you at a later time, and if I'm really missing you I can get in touch via facebook or letters i'd love to keep in touch time to time. But this is going to be my opportunity, my chance to grow and learn who I am, what I really value, and what really matters. I can't be held down by sadness and consuming thoughts, I've got a year full of learning and growing to live to the fullest. I've let myself be consumed by to many little things, I have to learn acceptance, put it apart and move on. It if matters it will be along for the ride with me, but it wont be in my way. I'm commiting to something bigger than all that, and I have to push and work hard to accomplish my dreams in the years to come. I don't want to be pushed around I know what I want and I want the direct path to it. But I'm lucky, ive met such nice friends, caring people, that will be there for me when I'm having doubts or when I want somebody to talk to. I've got friends who encourage the better of me, taking care of myself, give encouraging words of wisdom, and giving me a faith I wouldn't have found back with my friends back home. I've been reading a bible that was recently given to me, I've attended church with a couple of my friends from time to time, I find it helps give me direction and lets me loosen the jumble of thoughts on my mind. I'm envious of english majors and or alex who speaks the most proper english, this blog would be quite beautiful then. Anyways i'm going to be working hard so I'm going to need ways to chill out, reading, writing, playing guitar. I could use book recommendations, I'll probably be asking you guys constantly. And i'll depend on you guys to keep reading this so I know you guys care. So i'll wrap it up, I hope to mature a lot after this semester, you guys have helped me develop character and accept who I am. You guys have really helped me understand what it means to have a friend and what it means to be a friend. And now I'm preparing for myself to take the next step in finding my own way by following a passion of mine. I'm going to be put away from night life environments and a very addictive custom of drinking and smoking. I'll be put in a home, with a bachelor of a teacher, just me and him and ceramics, country living, and korean speech. I think he will be a good mentor, and I think talking with him will allow me to grow up and develop myself even more. Its great because you guys have helped open doors for me to pursue my interests, taking pictures, writing, reading, talking, all of these have developed because of this experience abroad. thanks to many people and thanks to God for how he has given me such a good path to be following and the opportunities that have allowed me to appreciate friends, family, and even him himself. I'm so lucky, you guys are too, live your lives well. well john scofied and medeski martin and wood are soo good. peace
Sunday, December 9, 2007
have fun
wtf, the tab and caps lock key on my laptop aren't attached. when did this happen? damn me. I think I stopped smoking today, I gave a wonderful pack of over priced imported lucky strikes to jake. I said I'd stop when someone who cared for me said something. anyways mom probably wouldn't approve and I'm suppsoed to take care of myself day by day. I was question why I was so calm at the hookah bar, well hmm lets ponder, anyways I explained myself by saying my mind is constantly going, and the uhhh this is lame. peace just kidding umm okay so today I saw Kikis delivery service in japense with korean subtitles and it was great. then I went and ate as much sushi as I could fill my stomach with, then went the norebang with the fam. I sang, while my guitar gently weeps, brown eyed girl, and better together. then I got to sinchon, bought my smokes, lit one up with seths matched and proceded to play pool and which we lost and payed for the game. umm then went to nabi where we smoked, conversed with the employees and then wandered till we found ourselves at nb. when I danced and they left they'd give a little bow, hmm I guess i'll take it as a thanks or something. I actually talked to like a couple pairs of random foreigners, weird. it was funny dancing next to jake but pretty good, I like grinded his back against mine pushing him up against some ladies, and they turned and like moved over a couple feet, at least we tried. we watched josephs friend dancing with this girl for like 10 minutes from the top level and then guess who I spotted. yeah you cause you might end up reading this. so the seattlites who love clubbing more than anyone, actually I must love clubbing too cause sunday night how carazy. its 630 whens the sun coming up. okay im tired as no other I didn't even sleep fully last night, smoked to much for my own good, had 4 drinks precisely and blah lahbalh. umm where am I whats the point of this no point, stupid. just to maybe be my ticket into recalling these memories, sometimes its those couple of words you can write down when jotting your dream before falling asleep again. I have a very beautiful one that you wont read. makes me sink back into warm covers. oh yeah I was thinking earlier, ummm it was started by it must be nice (thinking about somebody) yeah I suppose it is. maybe its something meaningful. meaning is everything. blah bah blah. your listening to little wing on axis bold as love, hmm thats me not you. I have this translated into korean and tood on my belly but you wont know what this means. fully man. what a waste of time and how less I care about what I write when its on this blog. lame. sams asleep, I didn't see him all weekend. hmmm we havent talked in a while. whens the sun coming up? there isn't much for space on my desk. lame. I can't believe i'm going to post this. weird. wtf am i doing. good question. did I shower this weekend? I hope so. i'm bored why am I still here. i dont know. I could fall asleep as soon as I layed on my pillow. none of this makes sense. this is insane. what is? this is one of those moments that I say fuckkkkkkk but unless your jake and joseph you don't know what that word means to me :) haha suckers sucks for the people who read this, you are likely more dumb now. sorry. later oh yeah you, yeah you, yeah you know what i'm talking about. remember last night? yeah you i'm talking to you, do you remember last night? hey you remember what we talked about the other day, yeah you. im just bull shitting that doesn't mean anything.
Saturday, December 8, 2007
so meaning again I suppose
i've had a good weekend finding meaning in different things. I've also seen what it means to do meaningless things...and they are truly meaningless. I put myself in a bar situation where speech was used to fill the air without a moments rest. Okay it seems i'm contradicting myself cause conversation is a great thing, with wonderful things to be shared and learned through talking. and sometimes its fun to talk about useless and funny things. I guess what i'm getting at are those quiet times, where theres an understanding, the experience is being shared and there doesn't always have to be voices in the air. This writing is different because I'm typing slowly and quietly as to keep a peace with my guest. the music is turned low and is super chill (the grateful dead) and i'm quite sober but different cause i'm tired and its far to late for anybodys good. but it feels nice. we walked home together from pats after watching super bad, it is really funny. we walked quietly and at one point I was watching the silloutes of our group, and was appreciating it, like i'm thankful to be walking with these people. the next moment amy says I was just watching our siloutes and the shuffle of your (angelica) shoes. I was taking time for those exact things, get what i'm saying now? good. Talking isn't everything, its that nod, (jake trying shiraz's coffee, and a nod of agreement on enjoyment) that hug, (I had a terrible night and purposly kept myself quiet even from may which wasn't fair and at the end of it a hug brought us up), or that pat on the back, everybody needs to be touched sometimes, its just nature or something something. Minnesota has feets of snow, all in one night, how beautiful that must be, I remember those mornings and am so happy, and then complain cause I gotta shovel the driveway. I miss loud electric guitars, I miss that feeling of hitting THAT note and inspiring so much feeling, I miss scaring my dogs away with screaming notes and I miss my mom saying have you played today? I miss the weight of that guitar, I miss pulling the strap over my shoulders, I miss the pop when I plug in my guitar when the amps already turned up. I guess I miss my wah pedal too. I miss wiping down my guitar after playing, the neck, fret board, shining the body and the pick ups. I miss rolling my dads guitar strap up and placing it in that little spot that fits so perfectly in my guitar case. I miss the box of love inside my guitar case, pic of me and jenna, a elmo of bradys, hmm I wonder what else is in there. I miss the mahogany red of my body and the creme of the fret board, I miss the vibrant pink of the case, and the golden locks that keep me comforted. I miss hauling my heavy ass shit to travis's house to jam, and I don't even care if its for 10 minutes its all worth it. I miss getting stoned (thats in the past folks but the future is still left open) and having nothing but feeling of the music guide my way. and I wont be home for months to get this again, I've still got my pentatonics so i can't be that rusty. jerry garcia is so inspiring. sorry to give all misses, i'll write something happy soon. i'm happy though so don't get me wrong, these are all AMAZING memories of mine. peaceee
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
just wait
mama sing sing you gotta jiboo mama sing gotta jiboo, mama sing sing you gotta jiboo and gotta jiboo and keep on drinking tooo. ahhh good old fish. I feel like i'm the only kid out here into jam bands, anybody anybody? meh. Sometimes I write these letters, possibly expressing everything I feel, and I end up not giving them. I guess its good to keep those personal sometimes right? right. but maybe i'm just indecisive like that. I have this throat thing happening it sucks but hopefully I will be a okay for friday. want to know whats up friday? shiraz, yeah that dude, who knows whats under his head and I'm about to chill with him. nah but serious he seems a interesting dude and this could be super cool. In korean class I was like Some like it hot is one of my favorite movies and hes like you serious? im yeah not my fav but I like it and he was all like yeah its a good movie. Oh and harold and maude is a good movie, ohh and spirited away, and vanilla sky, thats a little weird one. star wars, half baked, is it weird to say I really liked Amelie? I saw a couple movies in theatres here, Once, it was pretty good, different in its own not a hollywood movie, it won awards with sundance, also bourne ultimatum way back and I like the trilogy so that was pretty good. also recently I saw bewoulf in 3rd at mega box for jakes birthday, it was an epic movie so there was some weird anti christian symbolism that was almost scary at times. other than that grendel looked way crazy and super cool, and the dragon looked very cool. what was angelina jolie doing in that movie? oh yeah appearing naked, weird. woe I got way tangent like wtf. okay so shiraz, a cool cat and hayang see the japenese kid thats totally hawaiin but and a us citizen? that lives in japan?...haha im just trying to make him sound complicated. probably get a beer at mogi jang, but we'll see what kind of cats they are. okay so last night I slept over at annas, nice lack of showing up dudes, but we talked about some good things, she gave me a bible, like crazy that its my first and it was given to kind. and I already found my name cool. but no i've been thinking about things, about how we came together so well, how one thing lead to another and gave me such good opportunity here in korea. how just being here we were given the chance to meet one another when otherwise I wouldn't know your existence, i would have this blog and wouldn't be writing for you to read. I'm so thankful for all this. amazing. phish is amazing. I miss my guitar, and now I'm not going home for months and months, DAMN!!!!!! ps i've got the prettiest guitar in the world
, at least to me it is. and it wrecks all house when I turn it up, I loved being home alone for that part. and my best friend is playing it now and I can't be there to jam. when am I going to go home?? bike trip on the entire west coast this august! i'm so in, and meet up with that road trip thats along the same time. heres the plan meet up some seattlites, james and jake and i are going to hopefully ride for close to a month down to highway one and that crazy road in cali. hopefully meet up anna and amy to drive back up to washington. ohh me and jake should drive from mn to the west so we can just take a week and drive back home. okay note to self be sure to tell jake this plan tonight. so i'm just waiting now for jake to finish eating. I guess waiting isn't always bad, I get to do something inbetween now and then when I have to study...uhhh yeah ohh looking at that picture I miss my bed, and my dog, and grass jan dee. and drinking grain belt. wow I accumlate so much junk I can't believe I have to move out in so little time and take thiat junk with me wherever I may end up.there isnt a empty space on my desk, but I did pull out some papers and such but cmon sams desk is so clean but he has been borrowing socks cause he hasn't done laundry in it must be weeks, i wonder if that pile is clean or dirty?? I cant believe I didn't stretch, i suck at life sometimes and I'm sore as no other. phish has so much talent, they harmonize this and improvise this and that together, and trey is just sick with it. and they have such good control of the momentum of music. I miss live music!! ahhh I can't wait to see a show, with a band that jams and moves the crowd. damnnnn and snowboarding and bradys up at spirit mtn shredding and hes probably going to have some sick stuff down that makes me all over zealous. I need another book to read, this one read to fast. okay i'm over this peace

Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Monday, December 3, 2007
Sunday, December 2, 2007
so what did I do this weekend. I made a friend cool, just being down and yourself cool. his name is dae sung and I hope to get a beer sometime when time is free. spent all weekend basically in hongdae, saturday after lunch at the 3rd floor place right down from kli (so good) went to the coffee shop that we always go to and chilled and it was ridiculous how unproductive seth was being, he started drawing mr hand and dumb stuff like that . but he got down to studying flash cards later. i read my book, i feel i've hardly taken any time and i'm already half way, but oh yeah I skipped that three hour class... idiot.. umm so the dude i befriended was the ddue from the coffee shop, but hes got to focus on his person education and studying english, but i'm happy that i took some time to try and get to know the dude and found something meaningful.. i think i'll see him again someday, that was my biggest hope. sams rolling around behind me, damn that kids sleeps so hard its almost impossible to get him up, good cause then I can listen to my music but I said i'd get him up to go gyming, didn't happen. oh well let the big boy sleep. what am I going to do today? possibly get lunch with the pops, blank blank blank fall asleep early. maybe chobang man i'm out of it right now. later
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